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高一必修2 Unit4 Wildlife Protection教案分析

activity 1. getting information
 step 1. ss read the third passage and fill in the blanks to make the diagram complete.

 step 2. ss show the diagram on the blackboard.
 step 3. ss answer the questions to clarify the relationship among wildlife.
  q: what is the relationship among wildlife according the monkey?
  possible answer: in the rainforest, the monkey use the millipede insect to rub its body in order to protect itself from mosquitoes, because the millipede insect contains a drug which can affect mosquitoes.

activity 2. further understanding
 step 1. ss read the question and think it over.
q: what does the relationship suggest?
step 2. ss discuss the answer to the question in pairs
step 3. ss give the answer to the question.
possible answer: animals live together in harmony and benefit from each other.

activity 3. logical inference
 step 1. ss recall the inquiry question asked at the beginning of the class.
      q: why should we protect wildlife?
step 2. ss discuss the answer to the question in pairs
step 3. ss give their answers.
the possible answer: protecting wildlife is protecting ourselves.

blackboard design:



