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3.the author implies that many chinese children  ___________.
a.are more independent than americans
b.should become interested in america
c.are happy with their present situation
d.are not satisfied to be nice,quiet ones
解析:选d。推理判断题。文中第四段通过li yuchun 的例子讲述了中国孩子的追求独立的想法。从“she was not the traditional‘nice, young chinese girl’.”和“she was telling everyone that she was different.”可知d是正确答案。其余选项的说法不合理。
4.the main idea of the last paragraph is  ___________.
a.that we should do things step by step
b.why we should understand our desires
c.what we should plan for our own life
d.how we can manage to realize our dreams
(XX年高考浙江卷)four people in the england,back in 1953,stared at photo 51.it wasn’t much—a picture showing a black x. but three of these people won the nobel prize for figuring out what the photo really showed—the shape of dna.the discovery brought fame and fortune to scientists james watson,francis crick,and maurice wilkins. the fourth,the one who actually made the picture,was left out.
her name was rosalind franklin.“she should have been up there,”says historian mary bowden.“if her photos hadn’t been there,the others couldn’t have come up with the structure.”one reason franklin was missing was that she had died of cancer four years before the nobel decision.but now scholars doubt that franklin was not only robbed of her life by disease but robbed of credit by her competitors.
at cambridge university in the 1950s,watson and crick tried to make models by cutting up shapes of dna’s parts and then putting them together. in the meantime,at king’s college in london,franklin and wilkins shone xrays at the molecule(分子).the rays produced patterns reflecting the shape.
but wilkins and franklin’s relationship was a lot rockier than the celebrated teamwork of watson and crick. wilkins thought franklin was hired to be his assistant.but the college actually employed her to take over the dna project.
what she did was produce xray pictures that told watson and crick that one of their early models was inside out.and she was not shy about saying so.that angered watson,who attacked her in return,“mere inspection suggested that she would not easily bend.clearly she had to go or be put in her place.”
as franklin’s competitors, wilkins, watson and crick had much to gain by cutting her out of the little group of researchers, says historian pnina abiram.in 1962 at the nobel prize awarding ceremony,wilkins thanked 13 colleagues by name before he mentioned franklin.watson wrote his book laughing at her. crick wrote in 1974 that“franklin was only two steps away from the solution.”


