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Art and architecture(The Fourth Period)

the fourth period
teaching aims:
1. improve the students' reading ability.
2. do some writing practice to improve the students' writing ability.
3. learn some useful words and expressions.
4. review the past participle used as object complement.
teaching important points:
1. review the past participle used as object complement.
2. improve the students' integrating skills.
teaching difficult points:
1. how to improve the students' integrating skills.
2. how to help the students to master the past participle used as object complement.
teaching methods :
1. reading and understanding to improve the students' reading ability.
2. writing practice to improve the students' writing ability.
3. practice to review the past participle used as object complement.
4. individual, pair or group work to make every student work in class.
teaching aids:
1. a tape recorder
2. a projector
3. the blackboard
step i greetings
greet the whole class as usual.
step ii revision
t: in the last period, we've learned the past participle used as object complement. now, let’s do some exercises to review them.
    (show the following on the screen.)
  rewrite the sentences, using“have + object + past participle”
 example: they built a new library.
   →they had a new library built.
 1. he is going to deliver the seeds tomorrow.
 2. they are repairing the path.
 3. she is clearing away the branches of that large tree.
4. they have put in a new bath.
 5. she has dealt with the problem.
 6. he has collected a large number of stamps.
 7. they checked the progress of the project.
   (after a while, check the answers with the whole class.)
suggested answers
    1. he is going to have the seeds delivered tomorrow.
    2. they are having the path repaired.
    3. she is having the branches of that large tree cleared away.
    4. they have had a new bath put in.
    5. she has had the problem dealt with.
    6. he has had a large number of stamps collected.
7. they had the progress of the project checked.
step iii reading and understanding
    t: very good. now, let’s look at the passage “a second life for factory 798”.
       who can tell us the meaning of the title?
    s: let me have a try. it means “798 工厂的第二次生命”.
t: what do you think the passage is about?
s: i think the passage is about a factory. maybe it closed once but people used it


