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Unexplained Mysteries of the Natural World

book4     module6
unexplained mysteries of the natural world
learning paper1     words and phrases
learning aims: to master the new words and phrases
importance and difficulty: memory of the words and phrases
i.words and phrases
1. attack (v/n.)_______;攻击者________;
make an attack on ..._______________
2. frightening__________;frightened______________
3. exist (v.)_______ ;( n.)________;
4. calm (v.)______(adj.)_______;保持冷静___________
5. disappear (v.)_________;反义词____________
6. adapt (v.)______;adapt to__________
7. generous (adj.) ________; be gegerous with sth________
  be generous in doing sth_____________eg:他花钱大方________________;他慷慨助人______________________
8. indicate (v.)________ ;( n.)___________
  ___________; (adv.) ____________ (反义词) ____________
11. claim (v/n) ________  __________;
12. die out_________13.come straight to the point__________
15. get a clear look at sth___________16.stick out________
17. throw light on___________; 18.according to____________
19. be related to__________; 20.close to____________
ii. fill the blanks with the words in the correct forms.
1. a local photographer_______ that he saw a monster.
2. it is a very__________experience to find yourself face to face with a tiger.
3. tigers are very________animals and they can be extremely dangerous.
4. most scientists are_________about the existence of sea monsters in cold lakes.
5.there are many__________creatures which people claim to see around the world.
6. this plant________only in australia.
7. he_______from the bridge to rescue the drowning child.
8. as a party member, he is always________in giving help.
iii. complete the sentences.
1. 那小孩以惊恐的眼神看着那个令人害怕的男人。
the child stared at the _________man with________eyes.
2. 当你靠近一头老虎时,你会感到既紧张又激动。
when you____ ____ ____a tiger, you will fell nervous and excited.
3. recent research___ ___ ___ ___ (已使了解)the cause of the disease.
4. he talked and talked but never___ ___ ___ ___ ___ (谈到正题)
5. 没有人看清这个人是谁。(get a clear look at)
iv.best choice
1. in my opinion, it is important to keep_____in an emergency. a. quiet  b.calm  c. still  d.silent
2. many of the earth’s plants and animals have already____and several other species are endangered.


