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Teaching aims and demands
本单元有关电脑的知识使用学生对其有一个初步的了解。让学生了解有关中国民航运用计算机的情况。并学习如何使用向对方提建议的口语练习,通过单词的学习掌握go up, bring down, prefer to and, but although等词的用法。本单元的语法重点是现在完成时被动语态的使用,要求学生能够了解和掌握。
Teaching important and difficult points
1.Important Vocabulary:
although, waste, believe, necessary, passenger, record, at one time, greatly, correct, complete, decision, abroad, change for
2. Daily Expressions:
First of all, …
I believe…
Any reason?
3. Useful phrases:
It would be a waste of …
In my opinion, we should …
4. Grammar
The present perfect passive voice.



1. 通过对话练习,进行两个人之间对建议和推荐的用法。
2. 通过课文的学习,掌握本单元的词和词组的用法。
3. 通过对课外补充文章的学习,对计算机的历史和应用有所了解。
Lesson 33: 口头练习:对话交际功能——日常生活用语。
Lesson 34: 学生进行对文章编成对话练习。练习直接引语变间接引语。
Lesson 35: 学生继续练习对话。可以扮演CAAC的领导和记者,或计算机经销商和单位领导,或电视节目主持人和中学生等等。
Lesson 36: 笔头练习:让学生写一篇关于自己生活中计算机的使用的文章,或对计算机在人们生活中应用的畅想。
本单元的对话的特点是通过两个人对买何种计算机的讨论,从而掌握如何进行对一个物品进行评价、表达自己的观点,并提出建议。比如常见的口语用法:In my opinion, we should… / What’s your opinion?/ I don’t think it’s necessary to …/ I believe …/ I still think … 就在这个对话中经常出现。同时还有很多其它有用的口语,比如:First of all…/ in a few years’ time/ a waste of …/ make a decision/ not … any more
本单元的课文不仅讲述了计算机的应用对CAAC的帮助,而且中间穿插了很多现在完成进行时的被动语态的用法,使得学生能够正确地掌握这个语法的用法。同时对一些常见词和短语进行理解。比如:join, be used to do, thanks to, abroad, spend… on sth., prefer to do, welcome.
1. Today they are talking about buying a new computer. 今天他们谈论买一个计算机。
这里的talk about的意思是“谈论;谈及到;讨论”,后面通常加上名词或动名词。
We talked about it yesterday.
I want to talk about the price of the car with you.
2. Did you find out the price for the IBM PC 486? 你找出IBM PC 486的价格了么?
这里的词组find out和find都是表示“找出”,都是一个结果。但是两种也有区别:如果表示意外发现,通常用find。比如:
I found this wallet outside the classroom.
What did you find just now?
如果要表示经过一番努力或研究得出的结果的时候,find和find out都可以,但通常用后者。比如:
I finally found out the secret of his death.
She wanted to find out the real answer to the question.
3. I’ve got the information for all the computers now. 我已经得到了所有计算机的信息了。
Do you have any information about the new machine.
4. In my opinion, we should buy the IBM PC 586. 依我看来,我们应该买IBM PC 586。
这里的in one’s opinion表示的意思是“依…来看;…的意见是”。需要注意两点:1)后面不加I/he…think(s)。不像中文里可以说“依我看来,我觉得…”。在英语中这两种用法不同时出现。比如:
In my opinion, you are the best student. 不能说成 In my opinion, I think you are the best student.
In my opinion, the earth is round. (错误句子)。
In my opinion, you are right. (正确句子)
5. If we buy the smaller one, the IBM PC 486, we might have to change it in a few years’ time for a bigger one. 如果我们现在要是买了the IBM PC 486,几年以后我们肯定要换一个更大的计算机。
这里的词组change… for…表示的意思是“将…换成…”。比如:
I want to change this small hat for a bigger one.
6. I hope we can make a decision today. 我希望我们今天能做出决定。
这里的词组是make a decision(做出决定)。等于decide to do。比如:
Did they make a decision yesterday?
另外也可以用come to a decision, arrive at a decision来表示同样的意思。比如:
They finally came to a decision at the meeting.
7. It is used to record the tickets which passengers buy. 它还记录下游客购票的情况。
句子中的be used to的意思是“被用来…”,是一个被动语态,后面加上动词原型。
The water her is used to make the trees alive.s are used here to play games on.
8. Now it is possible to find out much faster which planes are full. 现在要找到哪架飞机满了比以前要快多了。
这里用了一个much表示一个程度。通常在much, even和still后面加上一个形容词或副词的比较级形式。比如:
I am much heavier than before.
She is much happier than she was two years ago.
9. Thanks to the new computer, the passengers at the offices of the CAAC can now buy their aeroplane tickets much faster. 由于使用了新的计算机,乘客在中国民航购票快多了。
句子中的thanks to是一个常见的短语,表示“由于;幸亏”,相当于because of, 或者as a result of表示原因。比如:
Thanks to your help, I was able to win the game.
They lost the game thanks to the foolish advice you gave them.
10. At one time, there were long queues of people waiting outside the CAAC offices. 以前,中国民航办公室前等着购票的人们排成长长的队列。
词组at one time表示的意思是“以前;曾经”。比如:
At one time we met each other every day.
He went to that restaurant to have dinner at one time.
11. These people will be welcome on our planes. 我们欢迎这些人来乘坐我们的飞机。
You are welcome to do anything you like.
Welcome to Beijing.
They received a cold welcome when they arrived.
All the students welcomed the visiting friends at the school gate.
12. In my opinion, we should buy the IBM PC 586. 依我看来,我们应该买IBM PC 586。
I should go home before 6 o’clock.
You should not ask others to do your homework.
13. If we buy the smaller one, the IBM PC 486, we might have to change it in a few years’ time for a bigger one. 如果我们现在要是买了IBM PC 486,几年以后我们肯定要换一个更大的计算机。
这里的if是一个条件句。后面出现的两个逗号之间的东西从位置上说是一个插入语,从成份上来说是一个同位语,是对前面的名词the smaller one进行解释。我们通常用一个名词性短语或从句来作为同位语
14. I don’t think I it’s necessary to buy the bigger one.我想没必要买较大的那个。
我们通常在think, suppose, expect, imagine等表示心理活动的动词后面不加否定含义的宾语从句。如果后面的从句使一个否定句,我们常常将从句谓语动词的否定是转移到主句的谓语动词之前。比如:
I don’t think I can get away at the moment.
I don’t suppose you need to worry.
I don’t think I know you.
15. The IBM PC 486 will be big enough for us. IBM PC 486对我们来说就够大的了。
I don’t have enough money to buy a house.
I am not rich enough to buy a house.
16. We mustn’t waste any more time. 我们不可以在浪费更多的时间了。
You mustn’t talk in class. It is not a good habit.
We mustn’t go there because it is dangerous.
17. We must decide which one to buy. 我们必须决定买哪一个。
这里的which one to buy为特殊不定式短语,在句子中做decide的宾语。特殊不定式的构成形式为“关系代词或关系副词+动词不定式”。常用的关系代词有:what, which, who, whether等;常用的关系副词有how, when, where, why等。比如:
We haven’t decided what to do next.
I don’t know how to write in English.
I will ask when to start tomorrow morning.
She will ask where to live.
18. At one time, there were long queues of people waiting outside the CAAC offices. 以前,中国民航办公室前等着购票的人们排成长长的队列。
The foreigner talking with our teacher is head of the visiting group.
The man running after the bus is a friend of mine.
19. As a result, the number of people who travel by plane in China is larger than ever before. 因此,在中国乘飞机旅行的人数比以往多了。
这句话中的as a result的作用相当于一个副词,意思相当于so。比如:
He hurt himself. As a result, he couldn’t go to school.
这句话中的the number of 的中心词是number,说明谓语动词肯定是单数的。比如:
The number of the books in this bookshop is more than 200,000.
20. 我们在很多句子中都用一个代词来代替前面提到的名词,常见的有one, it和that。这三个词都是代词的时候的区别:
1, one=a/an +noun 所代表的是前面提到的同类中的任何一个
He has no book and no money to buy one.
The hat is too small. Please show me a larger one.
2, it=the/this/that/adj.+ noun 指同一件事物
He has a book, but he will not lend it to me.
I drank some iced water, but it made me more thirsty.
3, that =the + noun 指前面所提到的同一类中的另外制定的一个.
The air of the country is purer than that of the city.
I cannot find my umbrella; I think I must buy one.
I cannot find umbrella; I don’t know where I put it.
The umbrella you bought is cheaper than that I bought.
教学设计方案Lesson 33

一、Teaching Aims
1. Help Ss understand the general ideas and some details in the dialogue
2. Practice in pairs on making a new dialogue about something they are about to buy
3. Teach them how to use some of the words and expressions in the dialogue
二、Teaching procedures
Step I Warming Up
1. Give a student 5 minutes to have his/her own free talk about anything he/she enjoys
2. Encourage Ss to ask the student questions about his/her free talk
3. Ask Ss how many of them have got a computer at home
4. Ask those who have computers what kind of computers they are using
5. Write down “486, 586, desktop, laptop, PC, Mac, Gameboy” on the blackboard

Step II Listening
1. Play tape of Lesson 33 twice and ask them to listen to the tape without looking at their books
2. Give Ss question before they listen and ask them to try to understand the dialogue with those questions
1) How many people are there in the dialogue?
2) What are they talking about?
3) Do they finally agree with each other?
3. Ask three students to answer the questions above

Step III Reading
1. Ask Ss one by one questions about the dialogue:
1) What did Jenny probably ask Mei Ge to do before they have the dialogue? (to find out the price for the IBM PC 486)
2) What does Jenny prefer to buy, PC 486 or PC 586? Why? (see book for the answer)
3) Why does Mei Ge want to buy the smaller one?
4) Why can’t they waste any more time? (price may go up and the factory needs the computers badly)
5) What is their final decision? (not mentioned)
2. Ask the next student to correct the mistakes if any
3. Give Ss one minute or two to go over the dialogue again and then ask one of the students to be Jenny and tell the others what has happened in the dialogue
One possible answer:
I am Jenny and I am working with Mei Ge in a factory. Our factory planned to buy a new computer so Mei Ge and I talked about buying a new computer. I asked Mei Ge to find out the price of the IBM PC 486 but I want to buy the IBM PC 586 because it is better and bigger. What’s more, we will change the 486 for 586 in a few years’ time. But Mei Ge still prefers the smaller one because he thinks it is a waste of money to buy a very good one. He believes PC 486 is good enough. We will meet again to make a decision the next day.
4. Ask another student to be Mei Ge and tell the others what has happened

Step IV Teaching
1. Teaching Ss the use of different words and expressions
2. Ask Ss to repeat the sentences which the teacher gives and after that ask them to make some new sentences with the words and expressions

Step V Practice
1. Ask students to use the words and expressions to make a new dialogue
2. Ask other students to find out the mistakes

Step VI Summary
Ask one of the Ss to tell other Ss what they have learned and write them down on the blackboard

Step VII Homework
1. Ask Ss to be the manager of the factory and make up a new dialogue
One possible answer:
M (Manager): Jenny, would you please come to my office? I need to talk to you.
J (Jenny): OK. What can I do for you?
M: Our factory is becoming better and better and now we need a new computer because our computer is too old. I want you and Mei Ge to buy a new computer for our factory.
J: Yes. What kind of computers you want us to buy?
M: I don’t know much about it. You and Mei Ge can ask for the price first.
J: OK. We will check the price first. But I think we should buy a PC 586, which is very new now.
M: Ask Mei Ge to check the price first. Tell me the decision next week.
J: All right. We will do that.
2. Make good preparation for the next lesson


教学设计方案Lesson 34

一、Teaching Aims
1. Get some general ideas on how computers help CAAC
2. Learn some useful words and expressions
3. Be able to use the new words and expressions to make new passage
二、Teaching Procedure
Step I Warming up
1. Ask those Ss who have computers at home what they use computers for
2. Write those purposes down on the blackboard “Games, Word Processing, Programming, Internet, Chat, Drawing, Watching Movies, Making Flash Movies…”
3. Ask Ss questions before they get to the text
1) What can computers do for CAAC?
2) How do the computers sell the tickets?

Step II Listening
Listen to the tape for Lesson 34 once

Step III Reading
1. Ask Ss to read the text
2. Answer the following questions without looking at the book
1)What is the computer used for in the CAAC?
2)What did people usually do when they wanted to buy a ticket before the use of computers?
3)How many the CAAC offices are there in the world?
4)Why do more people in China like to travel by plane?
5)Why do the people in the CAAC want to buy more computers?
3. Ask the next student to correct the mistakes if any

Step IV Discussion
1. Ask Ss to work in a group of four to discuss that whether computers are useful in our daily study of English
2. Ask each group to present their idea and opinions

Step V Language Points
1. Write down the useful expressions and ask Ss to explain and repeat the sentences teachers have given them
2. Ask Ss to make a short passage by using the words and expressions they have learned One possible answer:
In my opinion, studying abroad is very good for those students who want to improve their language, because if they make a decision to go abroad to study, their English will be greatly improved. They also can correct their pronouncing mistakes. At one time, there was no chance for Chinese people to go to other countries. But now we can be a passenger on the plane to other country. We believe it is necessary to change our life for a better one.
3. First, ask Ss to repeat the above passage
4. Ask them to make a new one by using at least 3 of the new words and expressions they have learned

Step VI Homework
Ask Ss to write their new passage and hand in next time



Discuss the questions:
1.What kind of machine is the computer? (wonderful)
2.What kind of invention is it? (important)
3.Why is there a lot of information in the computer?
(have a memory, store, take out)
4.What kind of work can they do? (people can do)
5.What do the students need to learn? (how to use the computer)



