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Traffic Jam

module 2 traffic jam
learning paper 3 extensive reading
learning aim: to practice learning skills and revise words and expressions in this module
learning methods: group work, discussing, etc.
activity 1: read the passage on page 19 and try to answer the following questions.
1. which city is the usa’s most congested city?

2. why did the government in london decide to do something about the traffic jam?

3. what is a congestion charge?

4. does the congestion charge work? how do we know?

5. do you agree with the idea of the congestion charge? why?

activity 2: read the passage on page 75 and try to answer the following questions.
1. why shouldn’t we carry heavy bags when we are traveling?

2. if you want to sleep, what should you do with your suitcase?

3. why do many foreigners pay the taxi too much money?

4. why do travelers wear dark clothes?

5. what attitudes should you have to the locals?

6. when you cross the street, it’s a good idea to walk with other people, why?

7. why should you carry a spare bag?

8. which tips do you think are useful for you when you want to travel abroad? why?

activity 3:
 阅读下面短文,并根据短文后的要求 回答问题 (请注意问题后的字数要求) 。
shanghai’s primary and secondary schools began to reduce class hours and introduce more exercise when the new semester started on monday, hoping that students will get more sleep and improve their health. 
    some schools in shanghai’s hongkou district axed a morning study session and advanced the time students are expected to arrive at school from 7:30 to 8:00. morning classes will begin at 8:20, 10 minutes later than last semester. 
    in the luwan district first central primary school, students are required  __________________  8:30 and do at least 15 minutes of exercise before classes begin at 8:45. 
    “morning exercises are vital because it gives students a boost for the whole day,” said wu rongjin, a teacher from the school. 
chinese schools are famous for their intense and long days which have led to a decline in the health of young students.
    a study completed by china youth and children research center in , showed more than two thirds of the primary and secondary schools students were not getting enough sleep and 20 percent of them slept poorly.  the survey contacted 2,500 students in six major cities including beijing and shanghai. 
   in shanghai, the rate of obesity among students is higher than the national average and the city has the highest percentage of students with bad eyesight, according to a recent shanghai education commission report. 



