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Unite3 Back to the past-Reading学案

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Unite3   Back to the past-Reading学案


Unite3 Back to the past-Reading学案

  3). what a lively lecture!  4).they are living things.  5).a live tiger/show/broadcast12.                      cover 30 milescover 10 pagescover the eventcover an area ofiv. sentence patterns:1. the city was forgotten for many years until the 18th century when a farmer found some stone with writing on it.这座城市已被遗忘了好多年了,直到18世纪,一个农民发现某一块石头上刻着有关这个城市的字迹。该句含有一个when 引导的时间状语从句。意为“当……的时候”或“这时”,而且句中还含有with 的复合结构。with+n./pron.+介词短语with+n./pron.+副词with+n./pron.+不定式with+n./pron.+现在/过去分词with+n./pron.+形容词             2.unfortunately all the people were buried alive, and so was the city!        很不幸的是,所有的人都被活埋了,包括这座城市!        本句含有一个so 引起的倒装句。        so( 用于肯定句),neither/nor( 用于否定句)引起的句子中,表示前面的情况也适应于另一人或事物时,用部分倒装。        so/neither/nor+助动词或情态动词或系动词+第二个主语。        so it is with.../it is the same with ...v.reinforcement:1. the headmaster wants to make the papers _________ in formal style at once.a. typing        b. to be typed       c. typed        d. type 2. the business of the company was growing so fast that the manager had to ________more clerks.a. take in       b. take on           c. take down    d. take out 3. wang ping as well as other students _________ physics and chemistry.a. like          b. likes             c. is liking    d. have liked 4. he is the student ________ in the report.a. referring to   b. referred to      c. refering to   d. refered to  5. ________ is reported in the newspapers, talks between the two countries are making progress.    a. it             b. as               c. that          d. what


Unite3   Back to the past-Reading学案
