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Unit3 Word power学案

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Unit3  Word power学案


Unit3 Word power学案

 we still haven’t figured out how to do it.7. have you figured out how much the holiday will cost?especially adv.  尤其, 主要  +prep/conj.   specially adv.   专门地,特别地(为某个目的)   i don’t like bright color, especially red.   this is a very common word, especially in spoken english.   noise is unpleasant, especially when you are tying to sleep.i like the country, especially in spring.these shoes were specially made for you.i came here specially to see you.    he bought the shirt specially for you.8.. i’m trying to lose weight because i’m ashamed of my body.1)  lose weight =get thinner   gain/ put on weight   she looks a bit thinner. is she losing weight?   he’s put on weight over the years.2) ① feel/be ashamed of :feeling shame, guilty or uncomfortable because of sth.  对……感到羞耻  cf   be proud ofhe was ashamed of his dirty clothes.having failed the exam./ having done so little work.you should be ashamed of yourself for telling lies.② feel/ be ashamed to /that  i am ashamed to say i haven’t been to church foe three years.i’m quite ashamed to have troubled you so many times.i feel ashamed that i haven’t written for so long.9. since i’m preparing to act in a new tv play, i’m taking weight-loss pills called fat-less, which are quite popular among young women here.1) since you have a three-day holiday, why not go to the countryside to enjoy the quiet life there?  since/ now that we can’t work out the answers, we’d better turn to someone else for help.2) be popular among/ with10. work ① 生效,起作用,行得通  the medicine worked and the pain went away.  his mother asked him not to smoke again and again but it didn’t work.  will these methods work?       ② 机器运转、运作  the watch doesn’t work.do you know how to work that machine?11. in the last /past two months     a great many trees have been planted in the last few weeks.12.   priceless=invaluable adj. 贵重的,无价的worthless=valueless=useless  无价值的i think your advice priceless=invaluable.these old papers are worthless=valueless=useless.13.   recover  ①vt. =regain i’m slowly recovering my strength after a fluethe man has recovered what was lost.        ②vi. = fromtrade soon recovered from the effects of the war.


Unit3  Word power学案
