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Unit3 Word power学案

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Unit3  Word power学案


Unit3 Word power学案

he has recovered from the strain of the exam.        ③ n. recovery14. they contain a harmful chemical that caused my liver to fail.1)  contain =have sth. inside it/ or as part of it v. 容纳,包含(全部或部分),含有(内容或成分)the theatre can contain 4000 people.that box contains old letters.the book contains 40 maps, including that of the china.sea water contains salt.2)  cause sb. sth = cause sth. to /for sb.cause sb. to dothe bad weather is causing problems for many farmers.her bad behavior has caused a great deal of anxiety for her family.my little son has caused me a lot of trouble. what caused him to change his mind so quickly?. 15. match n. sth that is suitable or combines well with sth else  相配着,配对物   the sofa is a perfect match for the grey curtain in our sitting-room.    the cap is a match for the coat.16. dangerous 表会对他人造成危害in danger (of…)  本身处于危险中the picture matches the story.   some animals are in danger of dying out.17. advice un a piece of adviceask sb. for advicegive advice on     就……提出建议follow / take one’s adviceshe gave me some advice on how to get on well with classmates.the doctor’s advice is that my uncle (should) give up both smoking and drinking.b) advise sth. /doing         sb. (not )to do       ( sb. ) object-clause (should ) do sth.          he advised an early start.             starting early.             me to start early.             me that i (should)start early.   the doctor advised a complete rest.   the doctor advised the patient to take exercise.   would you advise me where i should spend my holidays this summer?   he advised that everyone be asked to donate 100 rmb to the poor children.   i ________ him to give up smoking , but i failed.a. preferred       b. hoped        c. advised         d. suggested18.   worth +n.(money) /pron../(well) doing (主动表被动)my car is worth $3000./that much.this book is well worth reading.the film is worth seeing twice.


Unit3  Word power学案
