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Unit3 The Computer and the Information Age-grammar教案

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Unit3 The Computer and the Information Age-grammar教案


Unit3 The Computer and the Information Age-grammar教案

如:   ---did you want me ?       ----yes,i hoped you could give me a hand with the painting. 3》警示:除了表示明显的过去时间状语外,还有used to/would等暗示性词语。 如:when i was in london, often,i would have a cup of coffee after work. 注意:上句中的would 不能用 used to 代替。这两个词虽然都表示"过去常常",但would 常和时间连用,如 often, every day 等,而used to 不可以。 3。一般将来时 1》概念  表示将来要发生的动作。 2》理解  对未来事情的预见性,或者说明意图,打算。     <1> 用will 或shall +动词的形式表示对未来事情的预见性,又称为预见性将来时。 如:   tomorrow will be fine .        you will feel better after taking the medicine.    <2> 用 be going to do表示将来。 用这种形式表示将来主要是说明现在的意图,打算,即表明眼前最近要去做的事情。又称之为近期将来。如:i'm going to post two letters after class./she is going to have a university degree. 如果这种结构用物做主语,也是一种预见,可以用will 代替。 如:it is going to rain       watch out!the pill of boxes is going to fall.    <3> 用be+going 表示将来  一般说来,用现在进行时表示将来所用的时间大都是动作动词,不适用于状态动词。用这种结构表示按计划要去做的事或发生的事情。 如:we're inviting several people to a party.        the foreign ministry is coming to the un this week.        the plane is taking off at 5:30 一般来说,be doing / be going to do 两种结构均可以表示将来,但有些区别。 比较:i am taking mary out for dinner tonight .           i am going to take mary out for dinner tonight. 第一句表示计划已定不能改变,第二句表示打算未定只是一种想法而已。    <4> 用be+to do 表示将来时间 这种结构也可以表示按计划,随安排将要去做的事情或将要发生的动作。 如;the workers are to produce 5000 cars next year.        the prime minister is to speak on television tonight.        the line is to be open to traffic on october 1. 这种结构表示的将要发生的动作一般来说受人们意志控制或支配的。可以互换,但语意上有区别。如:       we are going to play basketball this afternoon.<表示目前的意图>       we are to play basketball this afternoon.<表示计划,安排或受人的支配>. 我们可以说:it's going to rain /the young man is going to be fat. 但不能说:it is to rain/the young man is to be fat.


Unit3 The Computer and the Information Age-grammar教案
