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Unit3 The Computer and the Information Age-grammar教案

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Unit3 The Computer and the Information Age-grammar教案


Unit3 The Computer and the Information Age-grammar教案

3》警示 进行时还常用在语境中,表示语气的委婉。如:        ---what are you going to do?        ---i'm hoping to invite you to dinner. 5.完成时。 1》概念 本时态是表示某动作或某过程在一定时间内处于完成的状态。 2》理解 完成时包括现在完成时和过去完成时态。构成分别为have<has> done/had done. <一>现在完成时。动作在过去发生,持续到现在已经完成,或者是继续持续下去。  <1>  已经完成的用法。其表明某动作或过程发生在说话前某个不明确的过去时刻,到目前一完成,并对目前造成影响。如:he has not been to shanghai/have you finished reading the story ? 本用法常和不确定时间状语连用。如:already/yet/before/recently/lately/just...等          i have seen him before          we haven't been there lately 也可以和表示频度的时间状语用在一起。如:ever/never/once---等。          i have never been to hongkong.          have you ever visited the great wall ? <2> 未完成的用法。本用法表示某动作或状态开始于过去某个时刻一直延续到现在,而且还要继续下去,在某种情况下也可能刚刚结束。常和 since/for/时间状语连用。如:          he has been in the army for 3 years.          he has lived in the building since he came here. 3》警示:如果不过since 引导的从句中的动词是延续性的,一般认为,语意上也表明动作或状态的结束。如:    i haven't heard from him since he lived there.         从他离开那儿以来,我一直未收到他的消息。         he has written to me frequently since i was ill.    从我病愈以来,他常给我写信。 如果since引导的从句中的谓语动词用了现在完成时,那么表示的动作或状态就不表示完结。如:    i haven't heard from him since he has lived there .         从我住在那里以来,我一直未收到他的来信。         he has written to me frequently since i have been ill.    从我生病以来,他常给我写信。 <二>过去完成时。本时态表示的是动作在过去的过去发生。它也分为“已完成用法”和“未完成用法”。 1>已完成用法。表示,当一个动作发生或结束时,在它之前的另一动作已经完成。这种用法既用于动作动词,也用于状态动词。如:   when we arrived the cinema,the tickets have been sold out.        tom flew home,but his father had already died.


Unit3 The Computer and the Information Age-grammar教案
