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高一英语必修1 Unit 2 reading教案

高中英语第2单元english教案 unit2  reading-1
 teaching aims:
1.       get the ss to know english language and its development and different kinds of english through this passage.
2.       understand the whole of reading
3.       imprvoe the skill of reading
learning important points:
 imprvoe the skill of reading
learning difficulty:
   master the whole reading and get to know the different kinds of english
teaching procedures:
step1. greeting and leading-in
      greet everyone as usual
step2. warming-up
1. which language do you think is the most widely used language in the world?
2. do you think chinese can be a world language? why?
3.do you know the meaning of “englishes
( world english: american, british, canadian australian, indian, caribbean)
the differences between british english and american english
 step3. pre-reading
1. with your partner, list the countries that use english as an official language?
2. which country do you think has the most english learners?
3. look at the title of the following passage and guess what it is about. then read it quickly and see if you are right.(答案略)
new words:( 学生默写或辨认)                            
step4. scanning
1. english has/had the most speakers___.   a
  a. now           b. when the british ruled many parts of the world
    c. in the time of shakespeare       d. in the 12th century
2.which of the following statement is true?   d
a. languages always stay the same
b. languages change only after wars
c. languages no longer change
d. languages change when cultures change
3. from ad 450 to 1150, english sounded more like_____? c
 a. french        b. chinese     c. german          d. russian
4. shakespeare’s english was spoken around ______?  d
  a. 1400’s     b. 1150’s  c. 450’s       d. 1600’s
5. which country has the fastest growing number of english speakers in the world?  b
   a. australia   b. china    c. india     d. britain


