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高二英语Laughter is good for you教案

i’m determined to visit iran __b_ it costs.
a. no matter how       b.no matter what     c. no matter     d. however 
② after all 终究;毕竟
i thought i wouldn’t need to study hard for the test, but it seems my teacher was right after all.___终究___
don’t be too hard on tim. after all, he is only fifteen._毕竟___
i don’t know why you are so concerned. this is not your fault after all. 这毕竟不是你的错。
he wrote to say _they couldn’t offer me a job after all_ 他们终究还是不能给我一份工作。
task & project
9. take on  接受,雇佣,呈现
__the doctor said i was too tired and advised me not to take on too much work.__
他被一家工厂录用当工人。he __was taken on__ by a factory as a worker.
他脸上露出焦虑的神情。his face __took on___ a __worried_ look.
__take in__吸收,理解,欺骗;  __take over_接管     __take down__记下
__take up_占据,从事   _take to__产生好感,嗜好 
some plants can take in carbon dioxide we breathe out ____________
don't believe him--he'll try to take you in. _________
alan took over the farm when his father died. ___________
learning english takes up a lot of my time. ____________
she took down my address.  _______
10. tear vt. 撕,扯 (tore , torn)
tear up 撕毁,撕碎;    tear down 拆除,拆毁;    tear in half / two 撕成两半
she __tore up__ the letter as soon as she had read it.
they are __tearing down_ those old buildings to make room for a new road.
the ticket collector _tore_ my ticket __in half__and handed back the return half.
it’s time that some of these old houses _was torn down__.
be in tears 哭泣,流泪  burst into tears 突然哭起来  excited tears激动的泪水
she __burst into tears__ the moment she saw her lost daughter.
my wife _was in tears_ telling me about it.
11. burst in  闯入,突然插嘴  
the police burst in and arrested the murderer. ___________
“i don’t see why i must not go,” he burst in angrily. ___________
burst into 突然…起来(+n)     burst out 突然…起来(+doing)
they were so moved that they _burst into_ tears. hardly had she heard the sad story when she _burst out_ crying.
12. glance; stare; glare
glance at“匆匆一瞥”    stare at“凝视”     glare at“怒视;瞪眼”
she _stared at__ him in surprise.
don’t _glare at_ me like that. you deserve the blame.


