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高二英语Unit20 Archaeology知识点总复习教案-

  (2) dig up可引申为“找出”“翻出”之意。① it's a lovely picture. where did you dig it up? 这张画很好玩,你在哪儿找出来的? ② his description fits perfectly the evidence dug up by henry. 他的叙述与亨利找出的证据完全吻合。  ③ the fact is true, but where did you dig it up? 那事实不假,但你是在哪里发现的?
23. ...but none of them could say in which dynasty the jade objects were made. 但是没有一人能说出这些玉器是产自哪个朝代。(p. 79 integrating skill 第四段 第3行) ▲ none
(1) none主要用作代词,在这里表示“没有人”。如:① none of them could speak french. 他们谁也不会讲法语。② a friend to all is a friend to none. 和谁都是朋友的人和谁都不是真朋友。③ none of her children has blond hair. 她的孩子没有一个是金发的。④ none of the passengers were aware of the danger. 旅客中无人觉察到险情。
(2) none也可以指物或动物,表示“没有一个”。① i like none of the books. 这些书我全不喜欢。② none of the rooms are ready. 房间一个也没准备好。③ "how many fish do you catch?" "none." “你捕到多少鱼?”“一条也没捕到。”
【注】none常用在“none + of + 名词”结构中,而nobody, no one或nothing不能用于这种结构中。例如我们可以说none of the pens are / is his. 没有一支钢笔是他的,但不能说no one of the pens is his.。
(3) none用作主语时,谓语动词既可用单数,也可用复数表示“所有的都不”时动词用复数形式。如:① none of us are perfect. 我们都不是完人。② none of the answers are right. 所有的答案都错了。
(4) 若表示“其中一个也不”时,谓语动词用单数形式。如:① none of his friends has been to london.他的朋友中没有一个去过伦敦的。② none of them has any great ability. 他们中间没有一个有大本事。
【注】但在很多情况下单复数的界限并不十分清楚,故常常用单数或复数均可。如: none of the telephones is / are working. 电话机都坏了。
  【注】none of后接的名词是限定性的。如: ① we saw none of the students whom we discussed earlier. 我们早先讨论过的学生,一个也没见到。② we drank none of the wine that you brought. 你带来的酒我们一点儿也没喝若是非限定性的,则应用“no + 名词”。如:① we saw no students. 我们没有看到学生。② we drank no wine. 我们没喝酒。
  【注】另外当none代表“no + 名词”时,不可用no,nobody或nothing代替。如:① she has a tape-recorder, but i have none (= no tape-recorder). 她有一台录音机,但我却没有。② tom has a lot of friends, but jim has none (=no friends). 汤姆有许多朋友,但吉姆没有朋友。
  ▲ none有时可指不可数的东西,表示“一点儿都没有”。如:① "how much petrol is there in the car?" "none".    “车里还有多少油?”“一点都没有了。” ② i wanted some more coffee, but there was none left. 我想再喝点儿咖啡,但一点儿都不剩了。


