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Task  Writing an Advertisement

task  writing an advertisement
teaching aim:
l     to train and improve the students’ abilities of listening, speaking, reading, and writing
l     to learn how to listen for statistics and descriptions, and how to state opinions and five supporting reasons
l     to apply what they have learnt to design a advertisement for a chocolate bar
teaching key points & teaching difficulties:
²     how to improve their integrated skills through these activities
²     how to help them to write an advertisement for a product
²     the usage of some key words and structures
teaching procedure:
  step one: leading-in
   t: (greet the class as usual) today we will learn how to write an advertisement for a product. but first of all i want to ask you some questions. since you have study english for years:
ø      are you at listening?
ø      what difficulties do you have in listening?
(it is to focus the students’ attention on the thyme of this part. encourage them to relate it to their own experiences and speak as they like.)
ss: ... (any related answers are acceptable.)
t: so that’s the problem. i think you need more practice to improve your listening skills. if so, you are sure to do it better.
step two: listening
t: today in the first step we will learn how to listen for statistics. now please open your book to page 12. read the instructions (group1 and 2) and consider the following two questions:
ø      what numbers are given when you listen for statistics?
ø      what phrases or phrases should you listen carefully for?
       (let them read the content on page 12 and discuss them in groups of four or so. remind them to share their information. t can offer help if the students need it. collect their answers as follows.)
      numbers in statistics:
²       fractions: 1/2(a/one half), 2/3(two thirds), 3/4(three quarters), etc
²       decimals: 0.3(zero point three), 6.79(six point seven nine), etc
²       percentages: 63%(sixty-three percent), 45.72(forty-five point seven two), etc
      phrases describing statistics:
²       an increase: an increase of, increase/rise by, etc



