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Project Developing an Ad Campaign

project developing an ad campaign
teaching aims:
l      to learn about some basic information about an ad campaign
l      to apply what they have learnt to develop an ad campaign
teaching key points & teaching difficulties:
ø      how to help them to develop an ad campaign
ø      the usage of some key words
teaching procedure:
step one: reading
   t: (greet the class as usual) in this unit we have learnt what an advertisement is and even have written one in the last lesson. then do you know what an ad campaign is?
   ss: no.
   t: ok. in this lesson we will go on with this topic. please open your text books at page 18. read the article silently as quickly as possible to answer the following questions:
1)        what is an ad campaign?
2)        what must you have in mind when you start a successful ad campaign?
3)        what questions must you first consider in an ad campaign?
       ss: …
suggested answers:
1. it is an organized programme of advertisements using various kinds of ads to reach a particular audience.
2. we must have a clear goal and target audience in mind.
3. we must first consider the following questions:
ø      who is the audience for our ad campaign?
ø      what do we want our ad campaign to say?
ø      how do we reach our audience?
       t: very good! now i think you have got a general idea of the passage. in fact, nowadays people all over the world use the media to advertise for the benefit of the public or public welfare.
   step two: developing an ad campaign
       t: ok, next we will plan and conduct an ad campaign, promoting a public welfare issue. be as creative as you can. below are some steps for you to follow.
n        work in small groups. decide what the subject of your ad campaign will be. choose one of the topics listed below or come up with one of your own.
       animal protection   anti-smoking    anti-drugs   anti-littering      the topic of our campaign will be :__________________________



