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Unit 3 Science versus nature教学设计(表格式)

课     题

unit 3 science versus nature




授 课 时 间

教 学 目 标enable the students to know something about cloning, and give their own opinions about cloning.help the students learn how to describe the advantages and disadvantages of human cloning with the target language.

教学重、难点talk about cloning and human cloning. how to describe the advantages and disadvantages of human cloning.

教、 学  具a projector.

预 习 要 求教师活动内容、方式


旁  注step i lead-inwalk into the classroom with a sad face. t: good morning, class.ss: good morning, miss wang. t:what’s clone?s1:cloning is one of the most popular technologies in the 20th century. t:what other technologies do we have in recent years?s: maybe the most influential technology is computer science, which has contributed a lot to our society in many fields. now, for most of us, we can’t live without computers.t: you are right. just now you mentioned cloning. now let’s see some pictures.show the pictures on the textbook on the screen.step ii welcome to the unitt: here are six pictures. they are all clones. maybe all of you are familiar with dolly, aren’t you?ss: yeah.t: where and when was dolly born? is she still alive? who can give us some information about dolly?s: dolly the sheep was born on february 24, 1997 in edinburgh scotland. she was cloned from a cell of another sheep. dolly died in february, , after developing a progressive lung disease.step iii discussiondeal with the questions in activity f.several minutes later, ask some pairs to demonstrate their conversations.  we can’t attempt to change something in the nature, or we’ll be punished! so we should try our best to build a society in harmony with nature instead of against nature. step iv homework preview the text on p42.search the internet for information about cloning

课     题

unit 3 science versus nature




授 课 时 间

教 学 目 标enable the students to learn different opinions on cloning. help the students to learn how to understand scientific terms and analyze the passage according to the reading strategy.

教学重、难点how to understand the writer’s point of view. how to understand the scientific terms.

教、 学  具a tape recorder, a projector and a computer.



旁  注step i revisioncheck the homework: ask some students to share their information about cloning found on the internet.



