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高三英语nothing ventured nothing gained教案

1.pracice the topic again after class, either with your partner or in a group of four. it would be better if you can write down your novel idea on a sheet of paper and share your views or achivements with us in the next period.
2. learn the words and expressions in reading period by heart again.

unit 1
nothing ventured, nothing gained
teaching goals:
this lesson is a bit different from the speaking lesson in last period in the aim. we are aimed to improve the ss ablility of writing by collecting the writing materials and expressions through talking and discussing. so, it is more a writing lesson than a speaking lesson .
teaching procedures:
students’ book, p 8, ex 3
imagine that you have been asked by shackleton to choose two sailors for his rescue team from the list below. discuss who you think are the most suitable.
who should join the rescue team?
name skills qualities
these expressions may help you.
i'm not sure that  .... 
he is unable to  .... 
it's clear that  ....
i think ..,
is better because  .... 
there's no doubt that  ....
i hate to have to say this but  .... 
it's hard to say.          
i don't mind if  ....
which qualities do you think ...?    
what do you mean ..,?
reading and writing
optimism helped us persevere
1 answer these questions after reading the passage.
1 what kind of problems did the men have to face on elephant island?
1. they had to face two kinds of problems: one was psychological and the other physical. the psychological one was to stay cheerful and not give way to despair. the physical problem was to stay fit despite a diet consisting only of meat. this meant that there were not enough vitamins or minerals and the food was the same day after day.
2 what do you think was their greatest worry? how do you think they overcame this difficulty?
2. i think their greatest worry was not being rescued. they dealt with this by remaining cheerful, having musical evenings singing to the banjo and holding celebrations.
3 what did shackleton encourage them to have celebrations? how do you think the celebrations helped?
3. celebrations give people something to look forward to, create good relationships between the people who are celebrating and make everyone feel more cheerful. that is why shackleton encouraged them.
use the collfected materials in the activities above to instruct the ss to finish the briety of the writing or the skeleton of the writing . after it, use the project to share the design or the writing of some of the ss . importantly, other ss and the teacher should give or present their evaluation.



