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薄凉之人 点赞 分享



the family was separate. 家庭离散。
be known to sb as/for 因…而为谁所知
be famous as/for 因…而出名
it is well-known to all that … 众所周知
be subject to sb/sth 服从于……
regarding=about 关于
the schools begin at 8 o’clock. 学校八点上课。
the book sells well. 这书好卖。
the car is easy to drive. 这车容易开。
the shirt feels soft. 这衬衫摸起来柔软。
put the interests of others above their own 把别人的利益放在自己的利益之上
free of charge = for free 免费
complain sth 投诉,抱怨某事
complain of / about sth 抱怨,抗议某事
be upset about 忧心于,苦恼于
= be very worried about
argue as you see fit在你认为适当的时候争辩
(see fit = think/consider right/reasonable)
look into 调查
i’m fed up with it. = i’m tired of it. 我对它厌倦透了
every now and then= every now and again 不时的
get an itch to travel 渴望旅行
have an itch for knowledge= be greedy for knowledge 渴望知识
i itch all over. 我全身发痒。
the insects bite itched all night. 整晚昆虫咬得痒痒的。
bob is itching to go to college. (itch to do) 鲍勃渴望上大学
feel the urge to do sth 感到有迫切的愿望(冲动)做某事
urge sb to do sth 怂恿某人做…, 强烈要求某人做…
=urge sb into doing sth
have a good stretch 放松
stretch out one’s arms  伸展双臂
stretch oneself  伸懒腰
get/catch a glimpse of 瞥见,瞧见= catch sight of
get/be tired of=have enough of 对…受够了,厌烦,厌倦
be tired with/from 由于…而累了,疲乏,疲倦
cool off = cool down 变凉,凉下来,凉快一下
breath-taking scenery 令人瞠目的风景
be home to有…,是…的发源地/大本营
compete in the downhill race 参加速滑比赛
there is no need to worry… 没必要担忧,无须担忧
a wide variety of entertainment 各色各样的娱乐活动
a feast for the eyes 一包眼福
take a dip 泡一泡(澡)
work out 活动一下,运动,锻炼;算出;带来好结果
avoid sth/doing sth 避免某事(做某事)
get ideas for sth/to do sth 想到要做……
in addition to sth/doing sth = besides 除了…之外,另外
heart and soul 全心全意
keep an eye out for the turtles! 注意/警惕海龟!
keep an eye on sth/sb =to watch carefully  密切注视
spread out = stretch  散布在…
get around 四处走动,各处旅行
treat visitors to all the colours of the rainbow
treat sb for illness (普通用语)给某人治疗疾病
cure a disease / cure sb of a disease (多用于疾病)给某人治病
heal a wound (多用于外伤和创伤方面)治疗创伤
struggle to do sth 努力做…
struggle for/against=fight for/against
struggle to one’s feet  挣扎着站起来
drive off 驱赶,赶走
no pains, no gains. 不劳无获
be greedy of(for) gain 贪得无厌
be greedy for knowledge 渴求知识


