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go/get down on one’s knees 跪下
be worthy of sth/being done
=be worthy to be done
=be worth doing     值得做...
a sign of weakness 软弱的表现
it’s useless doing sth.
=it’s no use doing sth. 做…没用;做…毫无用处
it’s useful to do sth. 做…有用/有意义
pass judgement on sb 对某人宣判
offer sb sth=offer sth to sb 提供某物给某人
offer to do sth  (主动)提出做某事
the new building is four tines the size of the old one.
=the new building is four tines as large as the old one.
=the new building is three times larger than the old one.
hope for mercy 希望得到宽恕
take one’s seat 就座(动作)
be seated 就座(状态)
accuse sb of sth 控告某人某事
tear up 撕毁
tear down 拆毁
go ahead 继续;去吧;进行
swear to heaven to do sth 对天发誓做…
offer up 露出;供奉;祭献
pay back 还钱,偿还
pay for sth 付款;为某事吃苦头或受惩罚
pay off 还清,付清;带来好的结果
pay sth off 全部偿还
pay sth out (按时)为…付巨款
pay up 付清全部欠款
take sb in one’s arms 拥抱某人
as far as i know 据我所知
go about sth 从事;干某事
above all 首先;最重要的是
at sea 在海上;在航行中;不知所措;迷茫
be in love with sb 与某人相爱
dress sb as/like 打扮成…的样子
dress sb 给某人穿衣服
be dressed in 穿着…的衣服
so far= as far as=until now 到目前为止
by law 根据法律
cut off 切断,割下
at one time 曾经

``must/may/could/might/couldn’t/can’t+ have+ done`` 表示对过去事件的推断, must可能性最大, may次之, could/might 再次, could`t /can`t 表``不可能``.
date back to=date from=go back to 追溯到…
have a date with sb 和某人有个约会
give sb an idea of sth 使某人想起…
a man of distinction 地位卓越的人
and a second 另外
all that=what
a variety of 各种各样的…;多方面的…
varieties of 大量的;不同样的
tend to do 倾向于做…;有助于;易于做
tend to sth 朝某方向;趋于;注意;留心;照料
on average 平均
it is possible that… 有可能…
be linked to/with 与…有联系
have a hand in sth 帮助(参与)做…
give/lend a hand to sb 给某人帮助/援助
in terms of 就…而言;考虑到
it is thought that…=it is believed that…
=sth/sb is believed to d o…
it has been proved that …
have trade links with … 和…通商
have trade and cultural links with… 和…进行商业文化交流
a large quantity of sth(可数或不可数名词)+单数谓语  表许多;大量
large quantity of (可数或不可数名词) +复数谓语  表许多;大量
serve as 作为; 当作
dig up 挖掘,发掘
accompany sb 陪同某人
accompany sb to sp 陪同某人去某地
be concerned about 关心
consist of=be made up of 由…组成
result in sth/doing 结果是...;导致
in the eyes of 在…看来

1. a big headache令人头痛的事情
2. a fraction of 一部分



