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219. be of great help
220. write to/ about/write for
221. fight against, fight for
222. she did all (that )she could (do) to help him
223. she did what she could do to help him.
224. no more than
225. in one’s spare time
226. break out, break into ,
227. break down
228. early the next morning
229. be sad at sth.
230. consider sb to be.
231. be beaten to death
232. measure a. with b.
233. get along well with
234. ask sb. for sth.
235. tell lies
from senior book two
236. advise sb. to do sth.
237. have a good rest
238. take the medicine
239. get a cough / headache
240. i suggest sb. do sth.
241. and so on
242. be measured in calories
243. burn up
244. be rich / low /high in
245. in the form of
246. scores of
247. put on /lose weight
248. look out
249. be on fire / catch fire
250. in that case
251. turn the gas off
252. sound the fire alarm
253. be trapped in
254. belong to
255. in the ceiling of
256. get close to
257. at present
258. long ago
259. the number of sth.
260. it is hoped that
261. be invited to
262. call on sb.
263. sth. look nice on sb.
264. pay back
265. be worth
266. at the most
267. pick up
268. to one’s surprise
269. offer sth. to sb.
270. think of / think about
271. be cross
272. look down upon sb.
273. in the beginning
274. come out
275. again and again
276. a paper-making factory
277. catch /have a cold
278. come across sb.
279. cut up
280. praise sb. for sth.
281. in one’s fifties
282. give advice on sth.
283. receive a doctor’s degree
284. be supported by sb.
285. close friends
286. translate a. into b.
287. make progress
288. before long /long before
289. stand for
290. be made up of
300. be famous for
301. be devided into
302. be full of / be filled with
303. live on potatoes
304. keep in touch with sb.
305. go to church
306. play an important part in
307. feel like doing sth.
308. on the edge of sth.
309. all through the year
310. rise by 63 metres
311. be in danger
312. stone by stone
313. work on sth.
314. be marked with
315. at breakfast
316. in danger
317. make a good effort
318. date from
319. be busy with
320. knock out of
321. point out
322. turn over
323. go against
324. year after/by year
325. agree to do sth.
326. now and then
327. give a talk
328. send out
329. get through
330. ring sb.back / up
331. may i have your attention?
332. receive an invitation
333. accept the invitation
334. be out of breath
335. turn down
336. ring off
337. for free
338. become interested in
339. form a pop group
340. manage to do sth.
341. persuade sb. to do sth.

from senior book three
342. go straight ahead
343. at the entrance to …
343. on the other side



