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高三英语Module6 Unit1 Laughter is good for you 专项复习导学案

step2:1.trip  over      2.lose weight
       3.do an impression of sb.     4.follow in the footsteps of sb.
       5.have an effect on       6.later on    7.make jokes about/make fun of     8.on stage    9.in response to   10.queue up
step3:1. in response to   2. on stage    3.queued up    4.make fun of
5.joke about        6.pointed to    7.later on      8.made up
step 4:b  b  d 回答;反应,响应; b d d d d d
step 5:  略
1. this isn’t what we are supposed to be discussing.
2. my idea is that we stay where we are and wait for help.
3. teaching is tough work, but i think it is worthwhile.
4. soon after he arrived in guangzhou, he set up his own company(a company of his own).
caadc  ccc

unit1 module6 grammar 导学案
the present tenses(现在时态)
learning points(学习目标):1.to grasp the usages of the present tenses.
                        2.to finish some exercises about the present tenses.
important points(学习重点):1.to understand the difference between the present tense
2.know more about special rules of the present perfect tense
difficult points:(学习难点)how to use the four present tenses well.
learning guide(方法引导):read,remember and apply
step1. review all types of the form of the four present tenses
step2.overview of the tenses:

一、the simple present (一般现在时)
     1.一般现在时表示经常发生、习惯性动作、客观真理、科学事实、格言,目前的特征、状态、能力等。(与一般现在时连用的时间状语有:every day, once a week, always, often, every time, now and then, occasionally, seldom, sometimes, usually, etc.)
  the earth          (move) around the sun.
           columbus proved that the earth           (be) round.
           practice makes perfect.   (译)                               



