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高三英语The Violence of Nature教案

c.made    d.makes
答案与解析:a 本句意为“80多个国家都踢欧式足球,使得它成为世界上最流行的运动”。making在这里是v.-ing形式作结果状语。 9.his heart was slightly________as a result of the disease.
a.destroyed   b.damaged
c.ruined    d.wounded
答案与解析:b 本句意为“由于生病,他的心脏轻微受损”。根据语境这里指的是轻微受伤,所以用damage,不能用destroy; ruin意为“毁灭”。 10.the cruel mother________at the poor daughter repeatedly with a stick because she didn't do well in her studies.
a.beat    b.hit
c.struck    d.knocked
答案与解析:c 四个选项中,beat指连续敲打,hit指击中,两个词都常作及物动词;knock at是“敲打”的意思,根据该句的语境,用木棍打某人,应该用strike。 11.he joined the firm as an office boy, but he gained rapid promotion, and________a director.
a.ended up    b.ended up in
c.ended up with    d.ended up as
答案与解析:d 本句意为“他进入公司时是办公室职员,但得到很快的提升,结果成了董事长”。end up as意为“结果成为”。end up with指以某种方式结束;end up in后常接表结果的抽象名词。 12.—the house ________ fire and was destroyed.
—who________fire to the house?
a.set; caught    b.caught; set
c.took; played with   d.was; caught
答案与解析:b set fire to意为“放火”,主语是人;catch fire意为“着火”,主语是物。根据上下句的意思,答案是b项。 13.the number of the students in the school has been increasing in recent years and there are eight thousand________. which of the following is wrong?
a.in all    b.in total
c.altogether   d.in amount
答案与解析:d in all,in total和altogether都可以表示“总共,总计”的意思; amount常用来修饰不可数名词,in amount也常修饰不可数名词,意为“在数量上”。 14.it is a good idea to start a part-time job as long as it does not________your study.
a.effect    b.affect
c.trouble    d.bother
答案与解析:b 本句意为“只要不影响学习,开始一项兼职工作是个好主意”。根据句子语境,只有affect的意思最恰当,意为“影响”。trouble和bother主语经常是有意识的东西。 15.i was still sleeping when the fire________and then it spread quickly.
a.broke out   b.put out
c.came out   d.got out
答案与解析:a 根据and then it spread quickly可知,要填“火着了”。break out指战争、火灾等“爆发”;put out可指“扑灭”(火);come out意为“长出,出现”;get out意为“离开”。 ⅲ.完成/翻译句子
1.他的粗心驾车使他送了性命。(cause sb.to do)
his careless driving________ ________ ________lose his life.


