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高三英语A healthy life教案

1) after the accident, he was _______ from driving alone.
2) our school ________ us to bring cell phone to school.
3) the law __________ the tobacco from being sold freely.
keys: 1) banned 2) forbad 3) prohibits
3) effect/influence影响
1)the drug had an immediate __________ on the pain.。
2) my parents considered my friend to be a bad _______ on me. 
keys: 1) effect 2) influence
4)ashamed/ shameful羞耻,惭愧的
1) the boy was _________ to tell his mother that he had failed.
2) i was _______ of my ________ behavior at that time.
keys: 1)ashamed 2) ashamed; shameful
   iii 词性变化 (旨在提供语法填空所需材料)
1.  stress n. 压力, 重点v. 着重, 强调, 重读 stressed adj.感到压力的  stressful adj 产生压力的
2. addict v. 使沉溺, 使上瘾 addiction n. 沉溺, 上瘾 addictive adj. 上瘾的
3.automatic adj. 自动的, 无意识的, automatically adv. 自动地, 机械地
4.shame n. 羞耻, 羞愧, ashamed adj. 感到惭愧或羞耻的 shameful adj.可耻的,丢脸的
5.comprehension n.理解(力) comprehend v.理解,领会 comprehensive adj.能充分理解的
6. judgment n.判断 judge v.判断 judge n.法官,裁判
7. illegal adj.不合法的 legal n.合法的
1) after a _______ week of work, all the employees were extremely ________ and tired. they complained that few could work efficiently under ________.(stress)
2) playing computer games is highly _______. once you get _______to it, you will find it hard to get rid of it. now, henry, one of my classmate is fighting his _______ to the games.(addict)
3) as a _______, he has good _________ and never _______ a person by his appearance.(judge)
4) doing any ________ anything will be protected in china, while doing anything  _______will be punished.(legal)
5) the son was _______ to hurt his old mother in such a _______way and came to beg her pardon.(shame)
6) some songs by zhoujielun can not be _________ by us. to some old people, they are completely beyond________ . so, their grandson or granddaughters have to explain the songs in a more ________way to their grandparents.(comprehend)
7) when i saw a car rushing towards me at a high speed, i jumped aside __________. it was my _______ action that saved my life.(automatic)


