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安乐窝 点赞 分享



       e.g. please copy my actions.(=please act as i do. )请照我这样做。
          "good morning," she said, copying her mother's voice. "早上好",她模仿着妈妈的声音说。you should copy his strong points, not his weak points. 你应当学他的长处,而不是他的短处。von frisch assumed that the dance conveyed more information.
冯·弗里希想弄清这种舞蹈能不能说明喂食处有多远.【点拨】  assume的用法
assume  vt. 表示“假设,主观认为,假定;装出…样子;开始担任,承担…e.g. we assumed that you understood the situation.我们认为,你了解形势。he assumed a well-informed manner but in fact he knows very little.他装出一副见多识广的样子,而实际上他知之甚少。
assume something to be 猜想某事如何 assume ignorance/an injured air假装不知道,装出冤屈的样子  assume和given,suppose,supposing等词一样都可以引导状语.作用相当于if. e.g. supposing your father saw you know , what would you say?
 =if your father saw …… assuming that the weather is favourable, farmers will have a bumper harvest.
假如风调雨顺,今年农民将获丰收。assumed 假装的,假的;假定的,设想的:e.g. an assumed cheerfulness伪装的高兴, an assumed result假定的结果,his look of astonishment was assumed.他那惊讶的样子是装出来的。
assuming自负的,傲慢的,过分自信的:e.g. he is too assuming in this attitude about the energy supply. 他在对待能源问题的态度上实在显得过于自信。
assumption假定,异端;自负,傲慢;假装 e.g. we are going on the assumption that the work will be finished tomorrow.
我们在根据明天可以完工这一假定办事。 i was under the assumption that you were coming tomorrow.
我原以为你明天来。 assumptive 被视为理所当然的,自负的,傲慢的:e.g. assumptive beliefs被视为理所当然的种种信仰, assumptive people自命不凡的人

one was close to the hive. the other was much farther away ,beyond some trees.
一个靠近蜂箱,另一个远离蜂箱,几棵大树之外.【点拨】beyond一词是高中英语的必备词汇,其用法和含义较为复杂,很容易产生理解上的障碍,造成翻译上的失误。本文拟对beyond的一些用法浅析如下: 一、beyond作介词用时,使用最广,常用于下列几种情况: 1.表示位置,意思是“在……的那一边;在……之外;在更远处”。例如: e.g. beyond the river stood a power station.过了这条河就是一个发电站。 2.表示时间,其意为“迟于;超过”。例如: e.g. some shops keep open beyond midnight有些商店营业到半夜以后。 3.表范围、水平、限度、能力等,意思是“超出;多于;为……所不能及”在句中常作 ①作表语 e.g. your work is beyond all praise.你的作品叫人赞扬不尽。


