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在回家的路上,父亲给我讲了他第一天上学时在克罗塞特先生课上的一件事。 we shall inform you of the date of the delegation's arrival.我们将把代表团到达的日期通知你。
the teacher accused jim of cheating in the examination.老师责备吉姆考试作弊。
her face reminded me of her mother.她的模样使我想起了她的母亲。
how can i persuade him of her innocence?我怎样使他相信她是清白无辜的?二、表示“抢夺(rob);剥夺;解除(cure, heal);免除(rid)”等意思的动词。 e.g. paralysis robbed him of his ability to do physical labor.瘫痪使他丧失了劳动力。
the doctor used special medicines to cure him of the measles.医生使用特效药治愈了他的麻疹。
the medicine healed me of my bad cold.这药治愈了我的重感冒。
it is not easy to rid oneself of a bad habit.改掉一个人的坏习惯是不容易的。 he cleared the pavement of withered leaves.他清除了人行道上的落叶。  they stripped the writer of his right to publish his books.他们剥夺了这位作家出版作品的权利。
she rushed up to relieve me of my suitcase.她跑过来接过我手中的衣箱。
our army disarmed the enemy of his weapon.我军缴械了敌人的武器。 类似的动词还有:abridge(剥夺), purge(洗清),disabuse(去掉),despoil(抢劫),divert(脱去),deprive(剥夺)等。
   在这一结构里,通常在of前加上 out,out of表示“丧失”,但out可以省略不用。
  e.g. how can you fool the little girl(out) of her money?你怎么能诈骗那个小女孩的钱财呢?
the beggar cheated the little boy(out)of his candy.那乞丐骗取了那个小男孩的糖。 【点拨】 simply的意思和用法

(1)simply是副词,在对话中意为“really(真正)”、“very (much)(非常)”。

e.g. the film is simply wonderful.      这影片真是太美妙了。

she looks simply lovely.          她看起来的确可爱。

his pronunciation is simply terrible. 他的发音简直差透了。

they had simply no shame.        他们简直不知羞耻。


e.g. he is simply dressed.       他衣着朴素。


e.g. it is simply a question of time.            这只不过是个时间问题。

you must believe me simply on my word.  你必须完全照我的话相信我。

it is simply a matter of working hard.      此事只是努力去做的问题。


e.g. the cake is made quite simply.            这糕做起来很简单。



