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2020届高三英语A land of diversity教案

2). i imagine if one day i had _______ _______ _______ _______ (很多) money, i would go traveling round the world.
keys: 1). a great/good many   2). a good/great deal of 或a large/great amount of  
ⅴ.重点句子 (旨在提供句子结构等所需材料)
1. california is the third largest state in the usa but has the largest population. 加利福尼亚是美国第三大洲,但有着最多的人口。
[解释] 形容词的最高级前面可以被序数词以及by far,much,almost,nearly,not quite等词修饰。
[练习] 翻译句子。
1). 黄河是中国第二长河。
2). 亚洲是世界上最大的洲。
keys: 1). the yellow river is the second longest river in china.
2). asia is by far the largest continent in the world.

2. exactly when the first people arrived in what we now know as california, no one really knows. 没有人知道确切在什么时候第一批移民者到达我们今天所称为加利福尼亚的地方。
[解释] what we now know as california是一个由what引导的名词性从句,做arrive in的宾语, what是复合关系代词,相当于the thing(s)that,因此,在名词性从句中可以用the thing(s)that取代的,应该用what。
what he said sounds reasonable. (what作said的宾语)
that our team has won the game has been proved. (that在主语从句中不起句子成分的作用)
there are many books available. i don’ t know which to read. (which指的是前文提到的books的其中一本)
what book do you want to buy ? (前文没有提及买什么书或哪一类书)
[练习] 根据句子的意思填词。
1). this is ________ he wanted.
2). this is the thing ________ he wanted.
3). she is no longer ________ she used to be.
4). she is no longer the person ________ she used to be.
keys: 1). what   2). that   3). what   4). that
california is the _____1_____(three)largest state in the usa but has the largest population. it has _____2______ (attraction) people from all over the world. no one really knows when the first people arrived in ______3____ we now know as california. now there are more native americans _____4_______ in california than in any other state. california _____5________(统治) by spain and there is still a strong spanish ______6_____(影响) in the state. people began _____7______(settle) in california when gold _____8_______(发现)there. but people from africa have been living there. it is believed that before long the mix of _____9______(国籍) will be so great that there will be no major racial of cultural groups, but simply a ____10______(mix) of many culture



