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2020届高三英语A land of diversity教案

     through the "green telephone lines", subterranean insects can also communicate with a third party, namely the natural enemy of caterpillars (毛虫). parasitic wasps (寄生蜂) lay their eggs inside aboveground insects. the wasps also benefit from the signals sent by the leaves, as these help them find more insects for their eggs.
     the communication between subterranean and above- ground insects has only been studied in a few systems. it is still not clear how widespread this phenomenon is, say the researchers.
1. how do subterranean and aboveground insects communicate with each other?
    a. by sending signals through the leaves.
    b. by giving off particular smells.
    c. by making soft and beautiful sounds.
    d. by the signals sent by parasitic wasps.
2. after finding a plant occupied by root-eating insects, aboveground insects will usually ________.
    a. send out warning signals
    b. compete for the same plant
    c. choose to leave the plant
    d. fight with the root-eating insects
3. aboveground insects will develop more quickly if their food plants ________.
    a. are often visited by parasitic wasps
    b. are not occupied by mot-eating insects
    c. have more green leaves
    d. have more subterranean insects
4. what does the underlined part "a third party' in paragraph 4 include?
    a. aboveground insects.   b. root-eating insects.
    c. caterpillars.          d. parasitic wasps.
5. what would be the best title for the passage?
    a. communication between different insects
    b. how do animals avoid competition?
    c. insects use plants as telephones
    d. when plants have subterranean residents
1. a 细节理解题。根据第一段第二句subterranean insects issue chemical warning signals through the leaves of the plant可知,地下昆虫能通过植物的叶子发出一种化学物质,作为信号对地上昆虫进行警告。故选a。
2. c 细节推理题。第二段第一句aboveground, leaf-eating insects ... root-eating insects提到,地上的昆虫更喜欢没有被地下昆虫占领的植物。联系本段最后一句this messaging makes ... for the same plant可知,当地上昆虫发现植物已经被地下昆虫占领时,它们通常会选择离开。


