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(2) as well同样;也(相当于副词too)i’m going to london and my sister is coming as well/too. 我将去伦敦,我的妹妹也要去。she can ride a horse and swim; she can shoot as well/ too. 她会骑马和游泳,她也会射击。4. present(1) present adj. 出席的,在场的 ;现在的,现存的  be present at…出席/ 在场……    people present 在场的人们 (present指“出席的或在场的”意思作定语时,常作后置定语) how many people were present at the meeting? 有多少人出席了那次会议?he was pleased at seeing so many people present. 他很高兴地看到那么多人在场。(2) present  n. 礼物 (相当于gift);birthday presents(3) present n. 现在,目前  at present 目前  at present we are living in richmond. 目前我们住在里士满。(4) present vt. 呈现;递交;赠送 present sth. to sb. 把某物递交给某人( 也可以用present sb. with sth. 来表示)they presented flowers to their teacher. 他们把花送给了老师。he presented her with a bunch of flowers. 他送了她一束花。the latest development presents a problem. 最近的发展呈现出一个问题。 5. result (1) result vi. 结果,导致  result in/ lead to导致; result from… 由……而引起/产生;起因于 his carelessness resulted in/ led to the traffic accident. 她的粗心导致了那次交通事故。the traffic accident resulted from his carelessness. 那次交通事故是由于他的粗心引起的。(2) result n. [c]/ [u] 结果;效果 the results of a competition 竞赛的结果; work without much result 没有效果的工作as a result  因此, 结果; as a result of 作为……的结果;由于……as a result, they saved 90% of the trees in the forest.结果他们拯救了这森林里90%的树木。the traffic accident happened as a result of his carelessness. 那事故的发生是由他的粗心引发的。6. certain (1) certain adj. 确定的, 肯定的 (近义词:sure )     be certain about/ of…/ be sure about/ of… 确信某事;对某事有把握  be certain/sure to do… 务必会做……;一定会做……  you must be certain/ sure of / about the facts. 你必须对这些事实很确信。he is certain/sure to return. 他肯定会回来的。you’re pretty certain to be seen by someone who knows you. 你肯定会被某个熟人看到的。(2) be certain/ sure + that... 相信; make certain/ sure that … 确保/确信 (that 部分是宾语从句)we are certain/ sure that he will get over his illness. 我们肯定他会康复的。i was not certain/sure whether he would come. 我不能确信他是否会来。i stayed long enough to make certain/sure that the house was absolutely empty. 我在那呆得久一些以确保那房子确实是空的。(3) it’s certain that… 是肯定的(在此句型中不能说:it’s sure that …)


