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1. he passed through a difficult period _____________his marriage broke down. 2. he is ill. you should call in a doctor ______________. 3. the ship will _______________ london at 8:30.    4. after several years’ self study, he acquired(获得) ______________ knowledge. 5. according to tom, two years of business school really _____________. 6. tom,___________ his parents, is fond of classical music.                                          b have something to do with, live on, not … but …, make a contribution to, look up to sb, live one’s dream1. it is our duty to _____________ our motherland. 2. they all ______________ him as their leader. 3. our purpose is ________ to do it for you _______ to teach you to do it by yourself. 4. most people in that country ____________ rice. 5. the man insisted that he ____________ the murder. he was not on the spot at the moment. 6. young as he is, he has ______________ and become well known throughout the world. (四) 综合填空 1. --- did many people attend mike’s wedding last night?   --- yes, there were around 100 people _________ at the wedding. 2. --- are the vegetables still ____________?   --- yes, i just bought them this morning.    3. --- did he pass his driving test in the end?   --- yes, he ___________ made it since he had been practising hard for two months.    4. --- are egyptian pyramids among the oldest buildings in the world?   --- yes, the _________ egyptians were clever enough to build them even though there were not modern machines then.  5. --- it it true what one experiences as a child often plays a big part in shaping his character?   --- yes, one’s ___________ experiences will have a life-long influence on him. 6. --- has tom finally got his desired position?   --- yes, because he is the best one among all the _________. 7. --- do these goods sell well?   --- no, the ______ of them is too poor. 8. --- is it important for a person to have a sense of success in his job?   --- certainly, being _________ in one’s job is one of the elements that makes a person happy. 9. --- do people still keep in touch with each other by writing letters today?   --- yes, but most often they _______ each other by e-mail or msn. 10. --- is she the right person for the job?    --- yes, she is quite ________ to do the job.



