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高三英语The Renaissance教学案

the browns have a comfortable house to live in.
布朗一家有一套舒适的房子居住着。 5.不定式作表语
to see is to believe.
i didn't know what to do.(宾语)
when to hold the meeting is not known yet.(主语) 活学巧练:
(1)(•安徽)—robert is indeed a wise man.
—oh,yes.how often i have regretted ________ his advice!
a.to take     b.taking
c.not to take   d.not taking 答案:d (2)(•浙江)the children talked so loudly at dinner table that i had to struggle ________.
a.to be heard    b.to have heard
c.hearing    d.being heard
答案:a (3)what worried the child most was ________ to visit his mother in the hospital.
a.his not allowing            b.his not being allowed
c.his being not allowed  d.having not been allowed
答案:b (4)—can the project be finished as planned?
—sure.________ it completed in time,we'll work two more hours a day.
a.to have got    b.to get
c.getting    d.having got
答案:b (5)her father ________ in the u.s.a. for another year,so that she could work toward her master's degree.
a.agreed her to stay           b.permitted her stay
c.let her staying                 d.approved of her staying 答案:d 考 题 演 练
1.(•山东卷)—john and i will celebrate our fortieth wedding anniversary next month.
a. cheer up  b. well done
c. go ahead  d. congratulations 答案与解析:d cheer up“振作起来”,表示鼓励;well done干得好;go ahead干吧(做吧,用吧);congratulations祝贺。根据上句“我和约翰将在下月庆祝结婚四十周年纪念”可知,答语应是表示祝贺。 2.(•辽宁卷)________,you need to give all you have and try your best.
a. being a winner  b. to be a winner
c. be a winner  d. having been a winner 答案与解析:b 句意:为了成为赢家,你要付出你的所有并全力以赴。所以空格部分在句中应作目的状语,故要用动词不定式。 3.(•安徽卷)we tried to find a table for seven, but they were all ________.
a. given away    b. kept away
c. taken up    d. used up 答案与解析:c 句意:我们想要找到一个七人餐桌,但它们都被占用了。give away泄露;分发;keep away使离开;use up用尽,均不合题意。take up占据,符合题意。 4.(•安徽卷)the play ________ next month aims mainly to reflect the local culture.


