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高三英语The Renaissance教学案

a.as long as  b.as far as
c.except  d.unless
答案与解析:a 句意:如若您不介意在旧金山改换航班的话,你可以今天下午飞往纽约。理解句意可确定答案是a项。 10.—whose advice do you think i should take?
a.you speak     b.that's it
c.it's up to you     d.you got it
答案与解析:c 分析题目可知一方询问应接受谁的建议,另一方说接受谁的建议要取决于他自己,故答案是c项:it's up to you. 这取决于你。/由你决定 11.nobody but doctors or nurses and those________by dr. hu________to enter the patient's room.
a.invited;is allowed
b.are invited;are allowed
c.being invited;allowed
d.invited;are allowed
答案与解析:a 分析句子结构可知主语是nobody, 第一个空格处用过去分词作定语,第二个空格处填写的是谓语动词,故答案是a项。 12.—i can't find mr.smith.where did you meet him this morning?
—it was in the hotel________he stayed.
a.that  b.which
c.the one  d.where 答案与解析:d 本题考查where引导的定语从句,修饰名词hotel。 13.—i'll thank you________my affairs alone.
– —i will.it's none of my business.
a.for leaving     b.not to leave
c.for not to leave    d.to leave 答案与解析:d i'll thank you to do...意思是:求你做……;……好不好?并不是用来表示感谢的,而是不愿意让对方插手自己的事的时候所说的。这句话的意思是:我的事你不要管好不好?还例i'll thank you to shut up your foul mouth.闭上你的臭嘴好不好? 14.we shouldn't________him for the mistakes he has made.
a.accuse  b.blame
c.charge  d.claim
答案与解析:b accuse sb. of …以……罪名指控某人  blame sb. for …因……责备某人 charge sb. with …指控某人…… claim是及物动词,“要求(拥有);索取,认领”。理解句意可知答案是b项。 15.at times the balance in nature is________,resulting in a number of possibly unforeseen effects.
a.troubled  b.confused
c.disturbed  d.puzzled
答案与解析:c 句意:自然界的平衡时常被打乱,从而导致大量可能不能预见的结果出现。根据句意可知答案是c项:disturb vt. 妨碍,打扰; 扰乱,搞乱; 使心神不宁。 ⅲ.翻译句子
1.这个项目的成功依赖于每位相关人士的支持。(depend on)
答案:the project's success depends on the support of everyone concerned. 2.据说明天他要动身去上海。(leave for)
________________________________________________________________________ 答案:it is said that he is going to leave for shanghai tomorrow. 3.恐怕我们必须把你留下。(leave...behind)


