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高二英语Unit19 The Merchant of Venice知识点总复习教案

▲ go down on one's knees 跪下、屈膝
  此短语中的go也可以用get替代.即get down on one's knees。如: ① never go down on one's knees before enemy.
    在敌人面前决不能屈膝。② he went down on his knees and begged for mercy. 他跪地求饶。 ③ father went down on his hands and knees and let his son ride on his back. 父亲趴在地上让儿子骑在他背上。 ④ the young man went down on his hands and then stood on his bead against the wall. 这年轻人双手着地,然后靠墙倒立。
  【注】 go down on one's knees与get down on one's knees意思相同,但go down和get down意思不同。这一点请同学们务必注意go down作“下落”“减弱”解释,而get down作“放下”“打下”解释。如: ① on the third day, his fever went down. 到了第三天,他的烧退了。② the prices of computers are expected to go further down. 计算机的价格可望进一步下跌。③ the moon has gone down and it is dark around.月亮已经西沉了,四下里黑漆漆的。④ at night the north wind went down and the river froze again.   晚上北风减弱,河里又结了冰。⑤ i couldn't get down what he said. 我没能把他说的话都记录下来。⑥ they got down two enemy aircrafts last night. 昨晚他们打下了两架敌机。⑦ the medicine was so bitter that i couldn't get it down. 这药太苦,我吃不下去。⑧ will you give me a hand to get this trunk down? 你帮我把这皮箱拿下来好吗?
27. my money and goods are as dear to me as life itself.我的钱财对我就像生命一样宝贵。(p. 71 integrating skills 倒数第5行)       ▲ dear的几种用法
(1) adj. 亲爱的,可爱的 what a dear little child! 多么可爱的小孩。
(2) dear此处作“珍贵的”解释。如: ① he lost everything that was dear to him. 他丧失了他所珍视的一切。② fame and power are very dear to him. 名誉和权力对他来说是非常珍贵的。③ to him very dear is the power by which he can control people and get money. 对他来说,权力是非常珍贵的,通过它可以支配人并得到钱财。
(3)dear可以作“(价格)昂贵的”“索价高的”解释。如: ① it is too dear. 这价钱太贵了。② it you want to make money, you must buy cheap and sell dear. 如果你想赚钱,你必须便宜的买进昂贵的卖出。
【注】dear与expensive的异同点。dear与expensive都有“价格昂贵” 之意,都不能与price连用。例如我们不能说"the price of the motorcycle is too dear / expensive, 而只能说the motorcycle is too dear / expensive或the price of the motorcycle is too high. 因为修饰price的只能是high或low。以上讲的是dear与expensive这两个词相同的地方。但这两个词也有不同的一面。dear所表示    的价格贵,是超乎常情的贵,讲得通俗一点,是指某个商品价格很贵,但实际不值那么多钱,而expensive所表示的贵,有“物美价高非购买者财力所及”之意,举例来说,如果一辆价值十万元的车卖十万元,就不能说dear,而只能说expensive;但如果一斤桔子通常卖一元,如卖一元五角,就应该说dear。


