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Festival around the world

e.g. the tennis match must be over by now. (i’m sure it is).
 necessity, personal feelings
  e.g. i haven’t spoken to liz for ages.  i must give her a call.
 order, strong suggestion
  e.g. you must stop smoking or you’ll get lung cancer.
  certainty or desire (mainly british english)
  e.g. i shall give up chocolate for lent.
 in formal rules and regulations (mainly british engli sh)
  e.g. racism or sexism shall not be tolerated in this building.
 in questions to ask for instructions and decisions, and to make offers and suggestions (mainly british english)
  e.g.  what shall i do?
when shall we come and see you?
shall we go to the cinema this evening?
 shan’t certainty (less usual, mostly british english)
e.g. i shan’t be late for the meeting.

 expectation (can use ought to)
  e.g. if you like picasso, you should enjoy the exhibition.
 suggestion, advice, opinion (can use ought to)
  e.g. you should have more driving lessons before you take the test.
 when something is not right or as you expect it
e.g. the price on this can of beans is wrong.  it should say $1.20, not $2.20.
 criticism  (can use ought to)
  e.g. you shouldn’t shout at your mother like that.
  e.g. should i ask her out on a date?
 should + words of thinking, to make an opinion less direct
  e.g. i should think he could find a more compatible match.
 with be and adjectives describing chance, including odd, strange, typical, natural, interesting, surprised, surprising, funny (=odd) and what a coincidence.
e.g. it’s odd that he should ask you so many personal questions.
 after in case to emphasise unlikelihood
  e.g. i’m not going out tonight in case she should call me.
e.g. if jane should drop by when i am out, tell her to come back later.
 polite order or instruction
  e.g. applications should be sent by 3rd january.
  e.g. oh, that’ll be john on the phone.
 request (can and could are more common)
e.g.  will you go to the shop for me?
 intention or willingness
  e.g. “i’ll take gran’s pearls then”.
“you won’t!”
“i will!”
  e.g.  will you please shut up?
  e.g. “i won’t clean my room!”
“yes you will!”
 habits and typical behaviour
  e.g. sarah will sit and gaze at the stars all night.



