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      c. broke up            d. broke through
5. just have a little patience. i'll look into it who let
    ____ the news to the press.
      a. off     b. alone    c. out     d. in
1. get around, get away from, get over, get down to
  (1) get around 避开,逃避 (=get round);走动,到处
  旅行 (=get about);(消息等)传开
  to get around the tax laws 逃避纳税
  (2) get away from 回避,否认;摆脱
  our friends had to have some furniture; there was no
  getting away from that.
  now he was dead, and i could not get away from my
  (3)get down to 认真地静下心(工作);开始认真做某
  to get down to work 静下心来工作
  you must get down to your studies this year.
  (4) get over 做完;结束;熬过;痊愈,康复;克服
  you'll be glad to get your operation over.
  can we get over this difficulty?
2. break away, break down, break off
  (1) break away
  ① 逃走;逃脱
  the robbery suspect broke away from the lock-up.
  modern music like jazz has broken away from the old
  traditional rules. (喻)
  ② 断裂;开裂
  a large piece of ice broke away from the main block.
  (2) break down
  ① 破坏;拆散
  the congressmen of the republican tried to break
  down the opposition from their opponents to their
  proposal. (喻)
  chemicals in the body break our food down into useful
  ② 打破旧框框
  the robbers broke the door down.
  the peace talks are said to have broken down. (喻)
  ③ (机器) 损坏
  the car broke down halfway to the camp.
  ④ 失败;破裂
  their opposition broke down.
  ⑤ 精神崩溃;失去控制
  he bmke down and wept.
  (3) break off
  ① 突然停止,中断谈判
  they were arguing but broke off when someone came
  into the room.
  ② 断绝 (关系),解除婚约
  she broke off with her best mend.
3. get / be used to doing, be used to do, used to do
  get / be used to 表示“习惯于……”,后接v.-ing形式或
  名词,get used to 强调渐变过程,即“由不习惯变为习
  be used to 表示“被用于……”时,后接do形式
  used to 表示“过去常常……”,后接do形式
  are you getting used to the cold weather in the north?
  do you get used to driving a truck?


