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Unit 2 What is happiness to you?

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Unit 2  What is happiness to you?


Unit 2 What is happiness to you?

9. a. parents         b. birds            c. interests     d. games10. a. first          b. best             c. last         d. happiest11. a. catch         b. find             c. buy        d. have12. a. suddenly      b. fortunately       c. then       d. however13. a. announced     b. said             c. told        d. hoped14. a. in            b. about            c. of         d. on15. a. day           b. place            c. way        d. story16. a. floated         b. dived           c. settled      d. went17. a. think          b. speak           c. interrupt     d. explain18. a. came up       b. turned up         c. turned out    d. matched up19. a. known        b. fastened          c. connected    d. introduced20. a. right         b. wrong            c. silly         d. mad第三部分:练习答案i. 单词拼写1. quit         2. adequate      3. allocated     4. coach     5. arranged6. confused     7. whichever     8.obey


Unit 2  What is happiness to you?
