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unit 5 —“the true north”
part 1 teaching design
第一部分 教学设计
period 3 a sample lesson plan for using language
(“the true north” from toronto to montreal)
language is learned to be used in and for communication. so in this period we shall have the students read, listen, write and speak in english, making use of the focused words, expressions, structures and topic ideas cover ed in this unit. warming up by listening and writing is to be followed by speaking,reading and underlining and acting. the class ends in class having a guided writing.
to enjoy the passage “the true north” from toronto to montreal
to learn to use the language by reading, listening, speaking and writing
1. warming up by listening and writing
turn to page 37 and listen to the tape and complete the sentences with correct information.
2. speaking
in groups of four, talk about the 4 questions on the top of page 38.
under the official languages act, canada is an officially bilingual country. this means that canadians have the right to get federal governm ent services in english or french, no matter what part of canada they are living in.
new brunswick is the only province that is officially bilingual. new brunswick residents receive services in both official languages from all of their provincial government departments and agencies.
in quebec, french is the official language and in most cases, provincial and municipal ser vices are provided in french.
in the other provinces and territories, english is the official language, and the availability of provincial services in both official languages varies.
at the municipal level, the availability of services in both official languages varies greatly.
multiculturalism 多元文化
canada is populated by people who have come from every part of the world. through the canadian multiculturalism act, the government encourages canadians to take pride in their language, religion and heritage and to keep their customs and traditions, as long as they don't break canadian laws.
3. reading and underlining
next you are to read “the true north” from toronto to montreal and underline all the useful expressions or collocations you’ve found in it. copy them into your notebook after class as homework
collocations from “the true north” from toronto to montreal
frost on th e ground(地上覆盖了一层薄霜), around noon(中午时分), the most wealthy and biggest city in canada(加拿大最大最富有的 城市), leave for…(离开去……), go on a tou r of the city(继续在市内游览一番), go up the tower(登上塔顶), look across the lake(俯瞰湖面), flow into…(流人……), flow over…(流经……), on one’s way to…(在去……的路上), a covered stadium(加顶的运动场), walk north(向北走), phone… from a telephone booth(到电话亭给……打电话), have dinner in downtown chinatown(在市内的中国城吃晚饭), move to…(移居到……), meet… at…(在……迎接……), get good cantonese food(吃到好吃的广东菜), come from south china(来自中国南方), go as far as ottawa(去到远至渥太华), about four hundred kilometers northeast of toronto(距 多伦多东北大约有400公里), take too long(花费的时间长), at dawn(黎明), at the train station(在火车站), have english words in small letters(有小字体的英文标注), go downtown(到市区去), be close to…,(接近……) spend the afternoon in the lovely shops (整个下午在可爱的商店), visit… in…(在……拜访……), sit in a café(坐在咖啡馆), look over…(眺望……), sit down with…(和……坐在一起), on a train trip across…(坐着火车上横穿……), have a french culture(具有法国文化), speed along the river t oward…(沿着河流驶向……), dream of…(梦想……)


