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Unit 2  What is happiness to you?

step v homework
1. review the ways of dividing a big question into several small ones.
2. review how to give advice.

the seventh period  listening

teaching goals 教学目标
1. target language 目标语言
guarantee, focus on, anxiety, appearance, teenagers
2. ability goals 能力目标
enable the students to listen and talk about teenage anxiety and how to handle it.
3. learn ability goals 学能目标
help the students learn how to talk about teenage anxiety and how to handle it.
teaching important and difficult points 教学重难点
teach the students to talk about teenage anxiety and how to handle it.
teaching methods 教学方法
listening and speaking.
teaching aids 教具准备
a tape recorder.
teaching procedures && ways 教学过程与方式

stepⅰ listening (p27)
t: in the last two periods, we read a letter on our school’s website. it is written by ma jie about his problem. can you review what his problem is?
s: ma jie is interested in basketball and he is a promising basketball player. but now he faces a problem. his parents want him to spend more time on study. because they want him to go to a good university. however, his coach thinks he has a chance to become a real star. so the coach thinks he should spend more time on his basketball skills. ma jie doesn’t know what to do now.
t: very good. now let’s listen to the tape to find more about ma jie’s problems. i will play the tape recorder three times, for the first time, you are asked to get the general idea; for the second time, write down your answers; for the third time, check the answers. are you clear?
ss: yes.
t: let’s begin.
play the tape three times. after that, check the answers.
t: ok, you did a good job. now let’s come to part c. as ma jie has a problem, he must have thought about some solutions. if you were him, what solutions could you work out?
s1: if i were him, i would focus on my study.
s2: i would work hard at everything, because i want to go to a good university and stick to my favourite basketball as well.
s3: i would study less and focus on basketball, because i want to be a basketball player.
t: let’s listen to some of his solutions and find out why these solutions didn’t work. write down the reasons he gives next to each possible solution. i will also play the tape recorder three times.
after listening to the tape three times, check the answers.

stepⅱ listening (p114)
t: have you ever had any experience of anxiety? if so, would you tell us your experience?
s: i feel anxious about my relationship with my parents. i think they can’t understand me. i don’t know how to deal with it.



