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Unit2 Sportingevents单元复习学案

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Unit2 Sportingevents单元复习学案


Unit 2 Sporting events单元复习学案

unit 2 sporting events单元复习学案
1.there are seven great c______________and four great oceans on the earth.
2.in our class,we often take part in many a______________.
3.more trees have to be planted to protect the environment and keep the b______________of nature.
4.tao xingzhi made great c______________to our country’s education.
5.it’s a great______________(荣幸)to be here to share my ideas with you.
6.the runner has reached his______________(极限)of his endurance.
7.tom beat all the______________(对手)and won the championship.
8.if you want to make some progress,you have to pay attention to your______________(先前的)mistakes.
9.he hasn’t realized the______________(意义)of learning english well.
10.his______________(缺席)from the party made us very disappointed.
11.we are in______________(compete)with four other companies for the contract.
12.china construction bank has many______________(branch)all over the country.
1.continents 2.activities 3.balance 4.contributions 5.honor 6.limit 7.opponents 8.previous 9.significance 10.absence 11.competition 12.branches
1.________________  并肩地;一起
2.________________  打破纪录
3.________________  扮演角色;起作用
4.________________  许多;大量
5.________________  保护某人/某物免受……
6.________________  期望
7.________________  失去平衡
8.________________  牵涉,卷入
9.________________  与……类似
10.________________  受……欢迎
11.________________  使……处于控制之下
12.________________  给……让路,让位于……
1.side by side 2.break the record 3.play a role in 4.plenty of 5.protect sb./sth.from/against 6.hope for7.lose one’s balance 8.be involved in 9.be similar to 10.be popular with 11.keep...under control 12.make way for
1.(回归课本p22)today,athletes from around the world can take part,________ ________ ________ ________they speak.
2.(回归课本p22)his dream was that the olympic games would make________ ________ ________countries and people________ ________peacefully side by side.
3.(回归课本p23)deng yaping,who won four olympic gold medals in 1992 and 1996 and became an ioc member in ,is perhaps the greatest female table tennis player the world________ ________ ________.
4.(回归课本p36)will saturday morning________?



Unit2 Sportingevents单元复习学案
