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Unit 2 What is happiness to you?

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Unit 2  What is happiness to you?


Unit 2 What is happiness to you?

harry's been driving all day - he must be tired.
there's no food left - we must have eaten it all.
when you got lost in the forest you must have been very frightened.
"you must know frank." "no, i don't." 相关高考试题1. —is jack on duty today?
 —it   ____ be him. it’s his turn tomorrow.    (四川)a. mustn’t   b. won’t   c. can’t   d. needn’t
2. there's no light on - they______ be at home. (全国i)a. can't     b. mustn't     c. needn't      d. shouldn't
3. this cake is very sweet. you __________ a lot of sugar in it.  (辽宁)a.should put  b.could have put  c.might put  d.must have put4. i was on the highway when this car went past followed by a police car. they ______ at lease 150 km an hour.  (重庆)
  a. should have been doing   b. must have been doing
  c. could have done         d. would have done答案及解析: 1.选c. 表示肯定的推测用must; 否定的推测用cannot. 意为,“不可能是他”。2.选a. 表示否定的推测用cannot. 意为,“他们不可能在家”。3.选d. 表示肯定的推测用must; must have put用的是完成式,表示的动作发生在主句表示的动作is sweet之前,意为,“你肯定放了好多糖”。4选b. 表示肯定的推测。7.instead of crying about what she had lost and feeling hopeless, sang lan thought about what she could do to get better. (p19) 她没有对她失去的而哭泣或感到无望,相反,桑兰想到的是自己能做什么来改变自己的状态。instead of:in place of someone or sth. else 代替;而不…
there's no coffee - would you like a cup of tea instead?
you can go instead of me, if you want

i'll go instead of him.

i can go to the meeting instead of my sick brother.

i can't go, she'll go instead of me.

she went to school instead of staying at home. 8. and how has sang lan adapted to her new life? (p19) 那桑兰是怎样适应新生活的呢?adapt  vi. 1) to become familiar with a new situation:
the good thing about children is that they adapt very easily to new environments.
it took me a while to adapt to the new job.2) to change sth. to suit different conditions or uses:
many software companies have adapted popular programs to the new operating system.
the recipe here is a pork roast adapted from caroline o'neill's book 'louisiana kitchen'.
[+ to infinitive] we had to adapt our plans to fit jack's timetable.
the play had been adapted for (= changed to make it suitable for) children.
davies is busy adapting brinkworth's latest novel for television.



Unit 2  What is happiness to you?
