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高二英语 Unit 9   Saving the Earth教学设计

           unit 9   saving the earth                                 

the first period   warming up & readingteaching goals:1. talk about nature, ecology and the environment.2. make the ss know the earth summit and the importance of the environment.3. further develop students’ reading ability as well as listening and speaking abilities.4. make the ss learn some useful words and expressions. 5. arouse the ss to take better care of the earth.teaching important points :     improve the student's reading ability teachong difficult points:     how to improve the student's reading ability teaching methods :     fast reading , careful reading ,individual or pair work and listening teaching aids:     a tape recorder , a projector and the blackboardteaching procedures:step 1   warming up1. begin the class by showing some pictures of serious environmental problems.2. ask the ss some questions. what’s the biggest problem facing the earth? why do you think so? what causes the problem? what can we do solve the problem?  leaders from different countries can hold a meeting and discuss how to save the earth.step 2   lead inthe earth summit is going to be held in johannesburg in south africa. as chinese journalists, all of us are invited to report this important summit. step 3   skimmingbefore going there, we should know some information about the earth summit. do you anything about it?  .it was first held in stockholm in 1972.representatives discussed some of the most important problems facing our planet. much progress has been made.step 4   scanning    1. listen to para 1 and find one of the main themes of the summit.  sustainable development 2. listen to para 2& 3 and find what topics are talked about by the speakers.  1)the big three —— contaminated drinking water  7,000,000                      poor sanitation             1,200,000,000                      air pollution               3,000,000



