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人教版课程标准实验教材(英语 选修7第2单元)知识讲解
1.                 appear (1) 意为“出现,呈现”,不及物动词,无被动态,其反义词为disappear 不及物动词,无被动态
  it appears to be / that/ as if… 和appear + 介词短语
  a rainbow appeared in the sky after the rain.  we expected him to come at seven but he didn’t appear until eight.
  her new book will appear in the bookshops very soon.  he said i would never appear on the air. he appeared ill.
  he appeared (to be) willing to go with me. he appeared to have seen the film. it appeared to me that you are right.
 (2) 意为“ 似乎,好像,显得” 不用于进行时。you don’t appear to care much for music . 
she appears ( to be ) an honest girl.  it appears as if they have lost interest in english.
 appear ,look, 与seem的异同: (1) appear 指根据事物的表面现象而作出的判断,暗含事实上并非如此之意。
 (2) look 指凭视觉印象而作出的判断,实际上也可能如此。he looked as if he was worrying about something .(正)
 (3) seem 是指暗含有一定根据的,往往接近事实的判断,强调内心的感受。his health seems to be better.
  它们之后都可以接名词、形容词、to be 不定式等结构,通常可以互换,但下列情况下不可互换。
 ① look, seem 之后可接like短语,而appear 不能。
  look 可用于进行时态而appear, seem 不能, look, seem 之后可接as if (though) 引导的从句,而appear 不能。
 ② appear, seem  之后可接that 从句,而look不能。it seemed(appeared) that /as if he was ill.
   appear, seem 之后可接实义动词的不定式,而look不能。 appear, seem 可用于there be 结构中而look 不能。
 the green leaves appeared/looked/seemed (to be )more beautiful after the rain.
it seems /looks like years since i last met you.  she is looking quite a different person now.
it seems / looks as if he knew nothing about his new friend.    it appears /seems that we have missed our chance.
  she appears/seems to have missed the third act of the play.  there appears/seems to be a mistake in these figures.
do let your mother know the truth .she appears _everything. a to tell b to be told c to be telling d to have been told
2 certain (1) 作前置定语,意为“某个,某些” there are certain reasons why this information can’t be made public.
drinking is forbidden in certain countries.a certain ms jones phoned you today. i met mr.zhang at a certain place .
 (2) 意为“确定的,有把握的” 用法相当于sure 一般可互换。但在it is certain that 句型中只能用certain



