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Body Language重点难点汇集

人教新课标:必修4 unit 4 重点难点汇集
必修4 unit 4 body language 重点难点汇集
1. major, local & represent
【课文原句】they will be meeting at a major hotel with local business people and people who represent the chinese government. (p25)
【名师点拨】(1) major adj. 表示“主要的;较大的;重要的”,句中a major hotel 意思是“大酒店”;major经常用作名词,意为“主修课程;专业课”;可作动词,主要用于major in,意为“主修”。如:
many people wish to live in a major city.
she decided to take computer as her major.
my friend majored in economics at tsinghua university.
 (2) local adj. 表示“地方的;当地的”。含有local的常用词组:local customs意为“地方风俗”;local news意为“本地新闻”;the local tv station意为“地方电视台”;the local court意为“地方法院”;the local government意为“地方政府”。如:
 my sister studies at a local university.
(3) represent在本句中是“代表”的意思,还有“象征;表现;描绘;扮演”等意思。如:
we must choose someone to represent us. (代表)
the stars in our flag represent the states. (象征)
this picture represents a man riding a horse. (表现)
【知识拓展】meet with sb表示“和某人会晤(商讨问题等)”。但具体句子要具体分析,有时候可表示“偶然遇见”。如:
i met with a friend on the train yesterday. (偶遇)
2. introduce
【课文原句】you introduce them to each other, and are surprised by what you see. (p26)
【名师点拨】introduce表示“介绍;引荐;引进;采用”等意思,常和to连用,即introduce… to…。在本句中是“介绍;引荐”的意思。如:
let me introduce myself to you first.
the chairman introduced the speaker to the audience.
my next guest needs no introduction (= is already known to everyone).
before the meeting began i made the necessary introductions.
the introduction in a book tells us what the book is about.
3. approach & touch
【课文原句】mr garcia approaches mrs smith, touches her shoulder and kisses her on the cheek. (p26)
【名师点拨】(1) approach vt. & vi. 意为“接近;靠近;走近”。approach作名词讲时,表示“方法;步骤;途径;接近”,用于make approaches to sb,表示“想法接近(认识)某人”。如:
we could just see the train approaching in the distance.
it began to rain when he approached his home.
the time is approaching when we must be on board.
all approaches were blocked because of the accident.
a new approach should be found to solve the matter.
i am not good at making approaches to strangers.
(2) touch作动词讲,意为“接触;触摸”;touch作名词时,除了“接触;触摸”的意思外,还有“联系”的意思。如:



