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Book Ⅴ Module 3 Adventure in Literature and the Cinema(Period 1)

book ⅴ module 3 adventure in literature and the cinema(period 1)
teaching aim: learn and remember the new words.
1. connection 关系
connection (between a and b)/ ~ (with sth)
have connection with 与…有联系/有关联
scientists have established a connection between the two facts.
his resignation must have some connection with the recent scandal(丑闻).
his death had no connection with drugs.
she did not make the connection between her diet and her poor health.
in connection with 与… 关系
be related to 与…有联系
have something to do with与…有联系
be involved in与…有关联
be connected with与…有关,涉及
(1) the terrible fire may                     (与…有关) the thunderstorm.
(2) the problems                       (与…有关)agriculture are being discussed heatedly..
2. solve vt. 解决,解答
answer a question/ solve a problem 回答问题/解决问题
an answer to a question/ a solution to a problem 问题的答案/问题的解决方案
attempts are being made to solve the problem of waste disposal(处理废品).
you can’t solve anything by just running away.
to solve a crime / mystery
we hope the difficulty can be solved by getting the two sides together to discuss the issues.
3. account  n.记述;帐(户);解释 vi.(for)说明;占;计算
the diaries contained detailed accounts of the writer's experiences in china.记述
to have an account at / with a bank         to open / close an account帐(户)
he gave us a clear account of the incident. 解释
don’t always believe newspaper accounts of political events. 报道
on account of sth = because of sth:    she retired early on account of ill health.
we have to account for every penny we spend on business trips.
the increase can be fully accounted for.
(1) my name must                  (决不能)be mentioned to anyone.
(2) you must         the boy’s long illness                   (考虑).
4.pour  vt. 灌,倒,注 vi.倾泻,流出
tears poured down his cheeks.倾泻
i’ve poured a cup of tea for you. / i've poured you a cup of tea. 倒



