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module6 films and tv programmes

readingi. fast reading.1. read the passage quickly and quietly. then finish the following exercise. 2. according to the detail information, try retelling the passage. crouching dragon, hidden tigerdirectorang leetheme martial arts film which 1.______ a type of chinese story called wuxia characters li mubai, played by chow yun-fat, who is good at with a sword as he is with a 2._______yu xiulian, played by michelle yeoh, who is brave, good and strong. yu jiaolong, played by zhang ziyi, a young woman who is not as 3._________ as she seems.plot the story 4. _______ in the early 1800s  in china.li mubai and yu xiulian are 5._______ with each other, but mubai feels he cannot marry xiulian because he is a good friend of her 6._______when someone steals xiulian’s  sword , they try to get it back.actionthe action takes place on peking 7______ and in places as far as the desert of western china.characters 8.______ through the air every now and then , which makes the audience shout in surprise .fight scenesfight scenes between jianglong and xiulian are some of the most 9_______movements in modern cinema.romantic scenesli mubai’s romantic scenes with yu xiulian are very 10.________ , as their eyes show all the love that they must not express words .ii. intensive reading(知识积累)a. read the passage and try to find out these phrases.1)出现,出版_______________ 2) 爱上(表动作)____________3) 爱上(表状态)_____________4)扮演角色__________5)令某人吃惊的是___________6)吃惊地 ___________7)关心,在乎______________8) 有时,偶尔______________9) 在…岁时 ____________10)很多______________11)属于______________12) 受欢迎_____________b. read the passage again and translate these sentences into chinese. then work in groups to discuss the language points of these sentences1.now, to everyone’s surprise, ang lee, director of a number of excellent films, has made a martial arts film called crouching ttiger, hidden dragon.(1)to one’s surprise____________________________________________________(2) director前为什么没有冠词_______________________________________(3) 区别a number of /the number of__________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2.the film belongs to a type of chinese story called wuxia.(1)总结belong to的用法________________________________________________________________ (2) called wuxia是_______短语,作_________成分。3….both masters of the martial arts, are in love with each other.



