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Lady in Red 教学设计

6. su would not be angry with people just because of a cultural misunderstanding.
iii. practice using the words given

wedding, see-through, greet, introduce, confusing, misunderstanding
1. at her ______________, she ____________ me to her friend tom and we ____________ each other.
2. i shall speak in simple words so that there may be no __________________.
3. it is not good for a teacher to wear a __________________ dress to class.
4. i found the math problem _______________.
设计说明:这一环节让学生深入理解阅读材料。通过阅读输入语言,让学生了解和练习高中阅读方法和策略,获取和归纳信息,根据语境理解生词意思,并设计语境让学生运用巩固生词,学以致用。在获取和归纳信息的同时,融入朗读指导(意群)。(在表格中填入understood what had happened后,引导学生思考主人公犯错的原因,并从su和jan的视角对文化差异问题的理解作进一步提升。)
step iii. read for language
rewrite the underlined parts
1. i was thinking of what to wear to the wedding.
2. the day of the wedding my friends picked me up so that we could go together to jan’s house.
3. i wanted to cry because everyone kept looking at me like i had done something wrong.
设计说明:在学生获取和归纳信息,根据语境理解生词意思,巩固运用生词之后,引导学生根据语境意思用自己的语言改写句子:what to wear (what i should wear), pick me up (give me a lift / ride), like (as if),了解语言点的处理。
step iv. group work
1. discuss and give the passage a better title. give your reasons.
2. if you were su and jan, what would you do at the wedding? act it out.
3. if you are studying in a school with students from different countries, what should you do not to make cultural mistakes?
step v. homework
1. read the passage again, paying attention to sense groups.
2. write a story of cultural mistakes of your own.



