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Module 6 Unit 2 What is happiness to you?

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Module 6 Unit 2 What is happiness to you?


Module 6 Unit 2 What is happiness to you?

motivation n. 动机,动力

1. play sport2. in difficult times3. achieve success4. meet a goal5. be happy with    6. in case7. describe sb as… 8. apart from  9. devote oneself to…10. be rushed to a place 11. cheer sb up      12. in good spirits 13. focus on14. feel hopeless15. overcome one’s disappointment 16. be proud of 17. take pride in18. adapt to 19. host a program 20. stay optimistic/ positive 21. land on her feet/head22. win the sympathy of 23. across the world24. have a good attitude towards 25. in public26. for many years to come 27. find a solution28. improve one’s grades 29. on the basketball court     30. feel guilty 31. feel caught between 32. look back on 33. ahead of34. fix problems 35. simplify one’s life36. enjoy sb’s company 37. make a decision       38. have a secure job 39. give sb the motivation40. cook instant meals
一.单词应用      根据单词的首字母或汉语意思填写正确单词,注意形式变化1. doctors and medical supplies were r ______ to the scene of the accident.2. she speaks english so well that her friends are filled with a___________.3. what i have achieved in the past few months i_______ me with confidence.4. we should never play tricks on the people who are d_______.5. to my d__________, my father didn’t buy me any present on my birthday for he had completely forgotten it. 6. her local doctor couldn’t tell what was wrong, so he sent her to see a s_________.7. the driver of the car received serious i_______ to the legs and arms in the accident.8. after ten years of hard work, he has a__________ a great deal in his work.9. we should learn to stay o________ no matter what difficulty we may have in our lives.10. the earthquake happened last night destroyed everything in the village and left all the villagers h________.11.and how has mike _________(适应) to his new life in china.12.__________(无论什么) way i look at it, i will never be really good at anything unless i quit doing everything else.13.to some, happiness is being_________ (围绕)by family and friends.14.while she was in hospital, the world was amazed by the way she remained _________(乐观的)。15.her teammates described her as ___________(精力充沛的), happy, and hard-working二.词形转换1、injure    (v)---____________(n);    2、energy   (n).---_________ (adj)3、guidance  (n.)---___________(v.)      4、disabled  (adj.)---_________(n.)



Module 6 Unit 2 What is happiness to you?
