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Module 6 Unit 2 What is happiness to you?

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Module 6 Unit 2 What is happiness to you?


Module 6 Unit 2 What is happiness to you?

4. i don’t like the way (that/in which) you laugh at her.5. the workers took the machines apart.6. he used to sit there, looking back on his happy childhood. 7. her words was a great encouragement to them. 8. she was on/ at the point of leaving when i arrived. 9. everything had been fixed in advance.10. i felt at home in your company. 七. 单项选题1-5cbbcb    6-10a ccba     11-15 cdabd   16-20 bbddd九.课文复述1. inviting       2. gymnast       3. happiness       4. injured       5. remain     6. spirits        7. alive         8. adapted       9. optimistic    10. inspired十.writingsang lan was born in ningbo, zhejiang province in 1981, who began learning gymnastics when she was a six-year-old girl. she started winning competitions in 1991. by the time she competed in the gymnastics tournament at the new york goodwill games, she had been devoted to gymnastics for 11 years. she was always described as an energetic, happy and hard-working one. in 1998 in new york, while practicing vault, an accident happened, causing her severe injuries and she would never walk any longer. however, she didn’t lose heart. instead, she tried her best to adapt herself to her new life by learning new things and staying optimistic.people have learned a lot from her and got inspired by her.十一. 任务型阅读1. caused    2. how      3. respond/ react      4. energy     5. used/ refined  6. forming   7. harmless   8. dangerous/ dangers    9. free      10. making


Module 6 Unit 2 What is happiness to you?
