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Unit 14 Freedom fighters单元练习

fire fighters   8   the house.they started to put the fire out.they did not know the old woman was still   9  .the people   10   her crying for help.the fire was still very hot   11   there was lots of smoke.
a man   12   like santa claus(圣诞老人)was passing by.he was on his way to give gifts to poor families.  13   had he heard the old woman’s cry when he ran into the   14   house.after a while he rushed out with the old woman on his back and came to her safety.then,as   15   as he had done that,the man left.no one knew the real name of the hero who had saved the old woman’s life.
the man went on and took the gifts to the poor children.he did not return home   16   it was dark.he told his   17   what had happened.she decided that she did not   18   to keep the story a secret.she told people that santa claus was   19   david rodriguez,her husband.mr.rodriguez is a music teacher   20   he is not playing santa claus.
1.a.hero    b.woman    c.child    d.man
2.a.the eighty   b.eighties   c.her eightieth   d.her eighties
3.a.walking   b.speaking   c.thinking   d.laughing
4.a.because   b.for    c.with    d.during
5.a.everywhere  b.nowhere   c.anywhere   d.somewhere
6.a.suffered   b.broke    c.forced    d.made
7.a.lived    b.died    c.left    d.stayed
8.a.looked for   b.searched through  c.got to    d.set up
9.a.out of doors  b.in the open air  c.outside    d.inside
10.a.heard   b.stopped   c.felt    d.kept
11.a.but    b.and    c.or     d.though
12.a.dressed   b.chosen    c.looked    d acted
13.a.only   b.hardly    c.never    d badly
14.a.empty   b.crowded   c.burnt    d.burning


