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Unit 14 Freedom fighters单元练习

a.who has done something brave
b.who plays an important role in a play
c.whom people greatly admire
d.who rides the waves and moves with the tides
2.what is true of the groups mentioned in this article?
a.they are not fright but are good-looking.
b.they are rich but are strict with themselves.
c.they are talented in some area but lead an indecent life.
d.they are perfect in every way.
3.american young people will not admire ______.
a.a university professor      b.a popular singer
c.a football player       d.a film actress
4.according to the writer,people should hold up as their model those______.
a.who are rich and wear the latest fashion clothes
b.whose personal life is good
c.who can express people’s feelings
d.who work in the interests of the people
5.what is the writer’s attitude towards american youth’s admiration for their heroes?
a.he is understanding.      b.he is critical.
c.he is angry.        d he is uninterested.
have you thought about what might have happened if american president kennedy was saved in 1963?impossible,you’ll say.kennedy was killed in dallas,texas,on 22nd november,1963,and that’s an end to it.
but what would happen if he came back to life?that’s what the “stuff books” are made of.in 1988 an american named george bernau wrote a book of this kind.the book is called “promises to keep”.it was thought of as the best one of the kind.he made the book like real life.the story was so interesting that it kept readers turning the page till the end though it had over 800 pages.
in fact we know that john f.kennedy was killed and never came back to life.in this book,he comes back to life,and the story begins from there.
the book set readers thinking,not especially about kennedy’s killing,but about what would happen after.
1.what kind of book is“promises to keep”?
a.a kind of study of kennedy’s killing.
b.an american horror novel.
c.a life story about kennedy.
d.a story book developed from a true story.
2.the book“promises to keep”tells us ______.
a.how to write a“stuff book”like the one written by john bernau
b.how to write about history
c.what would happen when kennedy was brought back to life
d.how to make up a story about the presidents
3.although the story is ______,readers like to read it very much.
a.not interesting       b.long
c.sad         d.not exciting


